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Saturday, March 29
kal & fasha
izyan & asy
The school song.(excuse the horrible singing)
Thursday, March 27
Tuesday, March 25
Saturday, March 22

not viewable for kids under 16. xD

the sand is pressing down on my chest and ****! pain ya know!
play safe. xD
laughing it out on the beach.
ruzaini aka DFK

hairil aka polar bear.
soccer with amir!

one serve coming right up!
volleyball madness.

zai bola kau!
volleyball again!
akid pose 2.
end of the day.
Wednesday, March 19
i dont know why but im in the mood to study these fun sehh being a geek.hahah! im gonna be a geek starting from now. must study study study! SA1 is coming up real soon.yesterday night i studied for like 1 and a halve hour.didnt know i could do that.well its kinda cool knowing stuffs you once have no idea what it is! and its a good feeling passing some subjects which i never thought i could pass.hahaha!
geeks geeks and more geeks..
Sunday, March 16
i dont remember much of monday,but all i know is i went to play pool and just chill out with my friends.
tuesday was great! eventhough it was a rainy day, i went out with ainul to play bowling at BB. had fun bowling cause i won! hahah! :P going to IMM wasnt planned but it turned out to be a good idea. we went there just to walk around and just burn time but i ended up getting my soccer boots there and ainul got herself a bag! we went home with wide smiles on our faces :D
was a rest day for me to do my homework.
thursday was funn! went to jalan kayu with salmah to have thosai/masala but we ended up not having either one and just had milo godzilla! i had an extra prata telur too.i seriously regretted not having thosai cause the person behind me had one and it was humongous! damnn.nvm some other time.we walked around compass point then to vivo as we dont know what to do or where to go! met haqimah and rashid at the bus stop and they really can be a police inspector! interrogating me sehh. hahah! went home freezing after that rainy day. :D
went to friday prayers and met my friend,asy and farhan. after prayers we chill out and played pool courtesy of asy who paid since all of us were broke.its been long since i met asy.had lots of fun and asy gtg at 6.30 so we dispersed after that. my pool skills are getting worst. :/
saturday was another rest day for me. i was supposed to be at sentosa but the plan was sat at home and PLANNED to do homework;barely touched it though.haha.
supppose to register for a marathon at velocity but didnt cause khai and i was broke. had soccer training at bishan and i tested my new puma boots! they were great! it was light and it gave me and extra curl when i cross the ball.overall boot rating 8.5/10!
i need to start running and pumping up to get back into shape. i need to start mugging too! discipline me someone! xD
Wednesday, March 12
Saturday, March 8
anderson cross country & march games!
we met at ang mo kio mrt at 6.30 in the morning and made our way to vivo! upon reaching vivo,we had to wait for the bus that would send us to sentosa.the bus was suppose to come at 8 but it came at 9.45.i shouldnt have woken up that early.when we were waiting for the bus,that was when the madness strikes. all of us got crazyy.and we did this.
the bus came and took us to the bus we were shouting and singing.crazyy people. after we reach there the run started. we hold hands and skipped like gays! xD for a moment there i think all of us turned gay for one day.hahaha!
cross country finished and the highly anticipated games started! first up was captains ball which we uselessly lost! i dont know why but i got so pumped up! i think it was a blessing in disguise cause all the anger in me was released when i played tug of war. i was so freaking hyped up sehh! we won the first game and eventually became the tug of war champions! YEYY 5/2! :D
geraldine and a few others got injured in the final!
perseverance from 5/2!
we also participated in beach soccer which we know we have a high chance of winning. we were up against 4/9 and we won 2-0! the second match was against 4/2 which ended 0-0 and the match was decided through penelty shootout.we won and proceeded to the semi finals.due to lack of time,all matches were changed to penelty shootouts. our keeper was the MVP! he kept a clean sheet throughout the whole tornament! power ahh rauf! YEYY 5/2 again! :DD
against 4/2
rauf saving the day!
Ashraf with his fierce shot!
everything ended and everyone went home;except us.we went to the other beach to chill out! we choose a spot and settle down. went to 7-11 to get food and coincidently met wen hua and gang. after that we went to swim. I FORGOT HOW TO SWIM! its been so long since i swim and ive forgotten how to.aiyoo..after that we got quite bored and decided to buy a volleyball to play soccer/volleyball.two in one.haha. we played beach soccer,after that rugby with matiin and gang.the sky got dark and its time to call it a day.cleaned ourselfs and after that we went to the foodcourt outside vivo to have our dinner.what an awsome day!!! :DDamir playing with a peacock.
mandi laut!
The Sentosa Dudes!
just chillin.
Miss Lee showing us her strength!
the girls with the gold!
soccer boys!
5/2 all the way!
5/2 power! (is there no one else!!?)
5/1 & 5/2 makes up a fiery flame!