dad had extra F1 tickets and invited the whole fam to watch it. had lotsa fun going deaf! seriously at first we watched A1, i mini version of F1 and my thought was, bunyi je kuat tapi lembap(sound only loud but slow). then when the F1 came up fuhh! too fast too furious also become slow. then me and my cousin step hero never wear earplugs. we ended up running to the stall which sells earplugs soon after. hahah it was freakin loud lah. 1 car can handle but all the cars at once whoa. your ear drums can burst i swear! after the race which hamilton(k girls dont get gaga) won, there was a performance by who else non other then the BACKSTREET BOYS! who would have thought theyre still exist! lol they remixed theirs hit songs and personally i dont quite like it so we went off halfway throughout the show.

oh new places that i know how to go by bike is simpang bedok,marina barrage and vivo! but im still abit abit unsure. just gotta refresh myself thats all. i so love the night life right now. going night riding, supper and just to chill out is the best! oh and i would proudly like to introduce to you all the best music video of all time! their moves can hypnotize anyone and their voices will play in your head for the next week! trust me its worth watching. hahaha! credits to aqhari to intro-ed me to it. enjoy! :)