SUNDAY was a day to forget.i wanted to go out but a few things stood in my way.
hmm i guess thats it.well at least i had a quick napp in the really trying to study now but to no avail.
PROBLEM SUM:how to study math??
ANS:open book+memorise-distractions=a tired mind.
at least thats my cant study math alone,you need a friends/tutor or at least someone who knows math.damn i think i rather study chem cause im just wasting my time.i on the tv to see the charity show and not many ppl donated! haha.i think most of them didnt watch it as exams are tomorow.what a wrong timing.okayy im gonna continue studying! good luck in your exams ppl! sleep early,wake up and have a fresh ready-to-go mind! good nites!
why am i starting to feel this way? why is there a strange feeling emerging deep from me? am i moving on? or am i just remembering the past? what will happen in the future? will i be happy or sad? will i find the right one?
millions of questions running through my mind...
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Friday, September 28
a few great things had happen this past few days and ive been breaking fast outside for 3 straight days! i got a new phone! wooo!! MODEL:W880i(picture)

weee! basically i choose this phone due to its slimness.9.4mm thin.even my wallet is thicker.i took hours to transfer stuffs from my previous memory card to the new phone.but all the hardwork pays its been with me everywhere i couple! hahah.
the outing that we set on friday 28 sept 2007.IT WAS FCUKING FABULICIOSLY GREAT! haha what a word.but seriously,we camwhore till my phone died! wthh! or else theres more pics! haizz but we really enjoyed ourselfs.we had a delicious meal which everyone was satisfied with! each person needs to fork out $16.cheaper and better then seoul garden($28)!! wooo!! after finish eating everyone had a boncet stomach.all of us were complaining we were full.worth the money! we then walked ard and view the clubs there.alot of ang moh sehh.then we all decided to go to orchard to walk ard.eventhough my phone died we didnt stop snapping.i used anyones phone that has a camera and snap snap snap! we went to toys-r-us to have fun.all of us were high lah seyy.and i mean REALLY HIGH.ashraf go so high that he lost his polo-t that he just bought! $18 gone down the drain.after that we made our way back.i reach home at 11! today was really great.look at the pics we snapped!
TEAM PHOTO!(sree mamun and rauf came late)
Saturday, September 22
today has been a very fun day was damn tough.the whole day i suffered due to PE.we played soccer and floorball during PE.woww it was fun at first cause its been long since we played games during PE.i was so engrossed that i forgot that i was fasting! shit.after PE my mouth were as dry as the sahara desert.all of us cant stand the thirst.i just cant focus on my studies after that.the thirst and hunger just made me wanna sleep.
after school we went opposite and some of my friends broke fast! i wont name them to keep their identities.but yepp.that wasnt a problem for me but they drank in front of me! just to make me jealous.i was chanting 'sabar haikal sabar' in my heart.all the way i walked with farhan as we both were strong willed.iman kuat katekan.haha! we waited for the rest at amk hub.time passed by then they still wasnt was 1.40 and then they emerged by the other side.we got to know that they walked around amk hub. -.- because of them me and farhan didnt get to go prayers.tskk.i thought of going home but they insisted that we round amk at last i did.we walked and all of us were high.haha kecohh.then we went up to the 4th floor and played a card game using poker card.funn lahh! its like theres only a certain number of cards.same numbers i mean.the cards were shuffled and given out seperatly.we need to pass one card around until one person gets all four cards of the same number.then when he shouts GAME!,the rest of the players quickly puts their hands in the middle.the winner will get to whack their hands.the players with their hands in the middle can dodge depending on their quick reflexes and the quickness of the whacker.i won once,and when i wanted to slap their hands,all of them dodge.i end up whacking the flood! ouchh!! haha whole hand were red! we all had a great laugh until the security guard had to chase us away.haiyaa.then we search for another place and continue our was really a blast! 3.30 we make a move home.
at home i went through the usual thing,online tv.then i slept till buka.after buka my family and my cousins went to geylang.we reach there around 9+ and was flooded with dad dropped us off first and he went off to find a parking here we go bulldozing throught the crowd.we were quite pissed with our mums cause they stop for the littlest things! we search and search for our baju kurong and found them.i got mine already! i aint gonna tell you what colour it is! :p haha.and yes i bought a expect me to wear a chapal during raya! me and my cousins were fighting over dengdeng! wooo! nice mann! i craved for more each time.after that we went to eat somewhere which i obviously dont know the name of the place.the food was nice but i was too full to finish we im at my cousins house.overnight here till tomorow and were gonna watch movie! The Invasion.i dont know if its a good show but i'll just watch it.damn its 4 in the morning and i havent sleep.eyebags growing sehh.okayy.better go are some pics that we took!
RAMLY BURGER!(sorry no pic of dengdeng.its was eaten before i could snap!)
FAMILY INDULGING!(the bandung wasnt nice):
Wednesday, September 19
today has been so dull.its like nothing happened.wake up,go school come home.all the way i was hungryy.fasting really drains the energy out of you.well im sitting here thinking of something to do,well,blog to the rescue! this is the main reason why i create a blog.
define Love.its an unexplained feeling found deep in your heart.the feeling of affection towards a certain person.the feeling that makes you ignore everything else and just stare at the person you Love.Love is a strong makes people do stupid things.everyone wants to be Love,either by family,friends or partners.some people are willing to give up anything for the person he/she Loves.but sometimes people are mistaken.they dont know if they are deeply in Love.or is it just lust or a short crush.these are 3 different things.
CRUSH is when you like somebody for a short period of time.some people have a crush on someone who they didnt even know or maybe just met.but when you get to know the person,you think that he/she is'nt the right partner for you.then your feelings for the person will wear off.this might hurt the other party as you would probably dump them sooner or later.
LUST is a when you want something and get it through their partner eventhought they dont have any feelings for them.for example guys will just want to fulfil their sexual desire.girls will use the guy's money to get the things they want clothes,shoes etc.alot of people felt cheated after their partner so called uses them to get what they want.sometimes they get so sad/hurt/depressed if they really love the person but their partner just uses them to fulfil their needs.people like this are really undisciplined.they cant control themself and rely others to give it to them.they will just destroy other peoples heart or lives.especially for girls.they make the mistakes of losing their virginity.NEVER i repeat NEVER give away your virginity to any guy no matter how much he says that he loves you or what he has given to can only lose your virginity to your husband.guys will always respect your decision if he truly loves you and he will support whatever you do.girls also should not rely on guys to get what they want.guys will buy them stuffs once in a while depending on his budget. NOTE:not all guys and girls are like this.some of them are really serious about their relationship.
get to know the person really really well before you go to the next level and be in a relationship.NEVER LIE and definitly NEVER CHEAT ur partner and give them your trust.listen to each other and comunicate to solve understanding and take turns giving in.ALWAYS BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER through thick and thin.thats what couples do.its normal to make mistakes and FORGIVE each other depend on what they do.and never rush things in a relationship.take it slow.
try not to find love cause LOVE WILL FIND YOU.
well im talking like im some kind of doctor love.hahah! its up to you to belive my words.and now you know how bored i am.for me im just enjoying life to the fullest right now and i really hope everyones does that too.stop fighting and start loving! PEACE TO THE WORLD!
today has been so dull.its like nothing happened.wake up,go school come home.all the way i was hungryy.fasting really drains the energy out of you.well im sitting here thinking of something to do,well,blog to the rescue! this is the main reason why i create a blog.
define Love.its an unexplained feeling found deep in your heart.the feeling of affection towards a certain person.the feeling that makes you ignore everything else and just stare at the person you Love.Love is a strong makes people do stupid things.everyone wants to be Love,either by family,friends or partners.some people are willing to give up anything for the person he/she Loves.but sometimes people are mistaken.they dont know if they are deeply in Love.or is it just lust or a short crush.these are 3 different things.
CRUSH is when you like somebody for a short period of time.some people have a crush on someone who they didnt even know or maybe just met.but when you get to know the person,you think that he/she is'nt the right partner for you.then your feelings for the person will wear off.this might hurt the other party as you would probably dump them sooner or later.
LUST is a when you want something and get it through their partner eventhought they dont have any feelings for them.for example guys will just want to fulfil their sexual desire.girls will use the guy's money to get the things they want clothes,shoes etc.alot of people felt cheated after their partner so called uses them to get what they want.sometimes they get so sad/hurt/depressed if they really love the person but their partner just uses them to fulfil their needs.people like this are really undisciplined.they cant control themself and rely others to give it to them.they will just destroy other peoples heart or lives.especially for girls.they make the mistakes of losing their virginity.NEVER i repeat NEVER give away your virginity to any guy no matter how much he says that he loves you or what he has given to can only lose your virginity to your husband.guys will always respect your decision if he truly loves you and he will support whatever you do.girls also should not rely on guys to get what they want.guys will buy them stuffs once in a while depending on his budget. NOTE:not all guys and girls are like this.some of them are really serious about their relationship.
get to know the person really really well before you go to the next level and be in a relationship.NEVER LIE and definitly NEVER CHEAT ur partner and give them your trust.listen to each other and comunicate to solve understanding and take turns giving in.ALWAYS BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER through thick and thin.thats what couples do.its normal to make mistakes and FORGIVE each other depend on what they do.and never rush things in a relationship.take it slow.
try not to find love cause LOVE WILL FIND YOU.
well im talking like im some kind of doctor love.hahah! its up to you to belive my words.and now you know how bored i am.for me im just enjoying life to the fullest right now and i really hope everyones does that too.stop fighting and start loving! PEACE TO THE WORLD!
Tuesday, September 18
YESTERDAY was the day we just sit and look at our classmates eat.and that happened during breakfast period! wahh tempting sehh..they had garlic bread with soup.i dont know what soup exactly cause i didnt want to go near or even see the we just sat there and chit chat.we thought of 'tapau-ing' the food.but teacher nvr let.haiyaa.after that lessons were as usual.dull and boring.after school went straight home and then to the gym.i know most of you will say"puasa puasa pon nak gi gym".and yes i must still go.if you stop your strength will reduce and you wont be able to carry heavy weight like you used to.i met ashraf there and then we first it was okay.we werent so thirsty or hungry.but nearly 45mins into the exercise our mouth were dry.we were tired quite easily as we obviously didnt have much energy.i went out of the gym at 6.30 and reach home at ard 6.55.after buka i went to terawih and then home.
theres not much to say besides me waking up for sahor for the first time! i ate bread with nutella and milk.nicee..but little did i know that i would have a stomach ache in school! the aching started during recess.i thought it would go away sooner or later but it didnt.we end school later then usual due to mr angs remmedial.we were suppose to have 2 hours of physics but it was cut short to 1 hour beacuse mr ang had to go to the hall for lower sec EFL.thank god! pheww..i reach home early and what else,online! even with a stomach ache i could go online eh.haiyoo.i chatted with mum about the phone that i wanted to buy.she said not to buy first and i did and guess what,i decided that i didnt want the phone! another phone caught my eye and i immediatly fell in love with at first sight do exist people! i told her about it and the first thing she ask was how much is it? i didnt know the price but i told her its quite it must be quite expensive.i really hope the price is low and i would really beg my parents for this really gonna pray hard to have it! NOTE: mum i promise to be good if u let me buy this phone! (just for a while) ;p .well im gonna check out the price tonight when i go to terawih and pray hard its willing to give up all my money to buy this phone.damn im in lovee..i aint gonna tell you what model it is cause u might snatch her away from me! no no no! haha! until i get the phone,nobody knows....
theres not much to say besides me waking up for sahor for the first time! i ate bread with nutella and milk.nicee..but little did i know that i would have a stomach ache in school! the aching started during recess.i thought it would go away sooner or later but it didnt.we end school later then usual due to mr angs remmedial.we were suppose to have 2 hours of physics but it was cut short to 1 hour beacuse mr ang had to go to the hall for lower sec EFL.thank god! pheww..i reach home early and what else,online! even with a stomach ache i could go online eh.haiyoo.i chatted with mum about the phone that i wanted to buy.she said not to buy first and i did and guess what,i decided that i didnt want the phone! another phone caught my eye and i immediatly fell in love with at first sight do exist people! i told her about it and the first thing she ask was how much is it? i didnt know the price but i told her its quite it must be quite expensive.i really hope the price is low and i would really beg my parents for this really gonna pray hard to have it! NOTE: mum i promise to be good if u let me buy this phone! (just for a while) ;p .well im gonna check out the price tonight when i go to terawih and pray hard its willing to give up all my money to buy this phone.damn im in lovee..i aint gonna tell you what model it is cause u might snatch her away from me! no no no! haha! until i get the phone,nobody knows....
Sunday, September 16
today has been short.why i say that is because i woke up at 1! woahh..i really had a great sleep sehh.i took the opportunity to study when my brain was history was my option besides chem.i just didnt knw how to study chem lah.i'll end up wasting parents ask me to follow them buka at my cousins place but i didnt want to.i want to study and watch simpsons! at first they dissallow but end up giving i waited for 7 oclock.but when i on the tv,simpsons wasnt there.some stupid war show.WTH!! i was so dissapointed sehh.i was so ready to watch simpsons while eating and laugh till my stomach hurts.haiz.i just hope next week simpsons will be on.i really dont feel like going to school tomorow.its gonna be a hungry day.and we cant eat our breakfast meal! i just hope the teachers wont catch my hair and ask me to cut.cause i'll be wasting my money.goodnight everyone! have a good sleep!
now i know that in order to learn,i need to have a good rest.or else my brain cant concentrate.from today i'll try to get at least 8 hrs of sleep! wahh thats a hard task.everyday i need to sleep at 10.impossible sehh! but due to N levels i'll try.
now i know that in order to learn,i need to have a good rest.or else my brain cant concentrate.from today i'll try to get at least 8 hrs of sleep! wahh thats a hard task.everyday i need to sleep at 10.impossible sehh! but due to N levels i'll try.
yesterday was utterly boring.rotting at home as per ususal.tired to study in the afternoon but my brain just cant focus.halve way through i just stopped and played ard 5 my stomach went was growling and moving as if there is a beast caged in there wanting to be released.i tried to endure but end up losing therefore went straight for my darling bed.i slept and woke up at 6.55.just in time for buka.i ate laksa which wasnt my fav food but due to my hunger,any food is nice.i drank 3 glasses of soya bean! yummyy! love that drink.after buka rest my stomach awhile but didnt go for terawih.this time i tried to study.chemistry.isotope=same number of proton but diff number or neutron.acidic oxides=non-metallic except carbon monoxide.basic oxides=metallic oxides except zinc oxide,lead oxide,aluminium oxide.okayy these are the things i remember.well im gonna study history today.HITLER! haha..i'll post again tonight as im going to my cousins house.better have something to talk about.i dont want to go! im gonna leave my com here all alone without anyone to accompany it.arghh! i want to stay at home lah.haizz we'll just see what will happen.
yesterday was utterly boring.rotting at home as per ususal.tired to study in the afternoon but my brain just cant focus.halve way through i just stopped and played ard 5 my stomach went was growling and moving as if there is a beast caged in there wanting to be released.i tried to endure but end up losing therefore went straight for my darling bed.i slept and woke up at 6.55.just in time for buka.i ate laksa which wasnt my fav food but due to my hunger,any food is nice.i drank 3 glasses of soya bean! yummyy! love that drink.after buka rest my stomach awhile but didnt go for terawih.this time i tried to study.chemistry.isotope=same number of proton but diff number or neutron.acidic oxides=non-metallic except carbon monoxide.basic oxides=metallic oxides except zinc oxide,lead oxide,aluminium oxide.okayy these are the things i remember.well im gonna study history today.HITLER! haha..i'll post again tonight as im going to my cousins house.better have something to talk about.i dont want to go! im gonna leave my com here all alone without anyone to accompany it.arghh! i want to stay at home lah.haizz we'll just see what will happen.
Saturday, September 15
im hyper tonight and the reason was because maybe i ate chocolate just now.woooo! power sehh.its so peaceful besides my brothers snoring! i love it at night.the sound of the wind blowing,the fan rattling.i just love the night.woww im sure tomorows gonna be a short day as i would definitly wake up at ard noon.i dont know if i want to go out tomorow cause its definitly gonna be a tiring day.well,i dont have anything more to say.sleeping soon! my grannys gonna have a hard time waking me up sehh.pitty her uhh.sorry nek! okayy..i better go now,till tomorow! ASTALAVISTA BEBEH!
im hyper tonight and the reason was because maybe i ate chocolate just now.woooo! power sehh.its so peaceful besides my brothers snoring! i love it at night.the sound of the wind blowing,the fan rattling.i just love the night.woww im sure tomorows gonna be a short day as i would definitly wake up at ard noon.i dont know if i want to go out tomorow cause its definitly gonna be a tiring day.well,i dont have anything more to say.sleeping soon! my grannys gonna have a hard time waking me up sehh.pitty her uhh.sorry nek! okayy..i better go now,till tomorow! ASTALAVISTA BEBEH!
Friday, September 14
here i am wide awake at 1am typing while eating porridge.i really dont know how im gonna stay awake in class tomorow.most probably im gonna be halve dead.i shouldnt have slept in the afternoon just now.but too bad i cant stand the i decided to sleep maximum duration 1 hr.but i end up sleeping from 4-7pm.3 hrs.great.i woke up because my friend called.if she didnt call me i think i wouldnt have woken up in time to break fast.thanks again! i tried my best to sleep just now,listen to slow song any songs that are smoothing to the ear but to no avail.alot of things are running through my mind.the past,present and the future.sometimes i feel like quitting.stopping time and falling into a deep sleep.something like hibernation to clear my just so tired of things happening around me.i try my best to snap out of this confusion but it just comes back all that tries to cheer me up,thanks a bunch.i really apprechiate everything that u've know who you are. :) starting from now,i aint gonna be sad/angry/dissapointed bla bla bla.i've done some thinking and come to a conclusion.that i would live to this life to the fullest,and fuck anyone who tries to stop sorry for the vulgarities but the feeling of anger inside me just needs to be release.i aint gonna care less about what people think of me or what i am doing.if they dont like it then fuck off.i going back to sleep to refresh my memory and try to delete away unwanted ones.i just hope i wake up in time to sahor.
here i am wide awake at 1am typing while eating porridge.i really dont know how im gonna stay awake in class tomorow.most probably im gonna be halve dead.i shouldnt have slept in the afternoon just now.but too bad i cant stand the i decided to sleep maximum duration 1 hr.but i end up sleeping from 4-7pm.3 hrs.great.i woke up because my friend called.if she didnt call me i think i wouldnt have woken up in time to break fast.thanks again! i tried my best to sleep just now,listen to slow song any songs that are smoothing to the ear but to no avail.alot of things are running through my mind.the past,present and the future.sometimes i feel like quitting.stopping time and falling into a deep sleep.something like hibernation to clear my just so tired of things happening around me.i try my best to snap out of this confusion but it just comes back all that tries to cheer me up,thanks a bunch.i really apprechiate everything that u've know who you are. :) starting from now,i aint gonna be sad/angry/dissapointed bla bla bla.i've done some thinking and come to a conclusion.that i would live to this life to the fullest,and fuck anyone who tries to stop sorry for the vulgarities but the feeling of anger inside me just needs to be release.i aint gonna care less about what people think of me or what i am doing.if they dont like it then fuck off.i going back to sleep to refresh my memory and try to delete away unwanted ones.i just hope i wake up in time to sahor.
Thursday, September 13
today had been the day where im late for the first time in the whole dad woke me up in the morning but i didnt feel like he just ask me to drink a glass of plain water.i drank it and immediatly slept back.little did i know that my useless handphone was gong gong and the alarm didnt bro woke me up at 6.45am and i really didnt feel like going to school.eventhough i know i was late,i still took my time to bath and do the usual stuff that i did in the morning.theres no use rushing and still be late,when u can relax and also be late right? so thats what i choose to do.the bus ride to school was fun.not even 1 single andersonian was in it.its like u need to come back to school for remmedials during the holiday.when i reach school the old auntie ask me to write my name down and how many times i was late.when i wrote 1st time she didnt belive! she said she will check my record to see if im lying or not.please is my first day of fasting month! how can i break fast due to a small lie? was per normal only that during recess i stayed in class and hear onwards im not looking forward to recess but the end of school.after school we waited for rahuman and joel then went straight home.throughout the whole day i didnt have the mood and was tired.i dragged my feet most of the time.i decided to post now as tonight,im gonna break fast and go prayers.after that its too late to just trying to stay away from food or even think of food for the mean time.
*gong gong-crazy
i think my mood swings back.i thought that i was gonna be okayy but i was wrong.sometimes i feel confused,sad,angry all mixed into one.i just hate being this way.i just need something or someone to make my day or even week.for now im just relying on Simpsons this sunday to cheer me up.they have never fail to make me laugh.
today had been the day where im late for the first time in the whole dad woke me up in the morning but i didnt feel like he just ask me to drink a glass of plain water.i drank it and immediatly slept back.little did i know that my useless handphone was gong gong and the alarm didnt bro woke me up at 6.45am and i really didnt feel like going to school.eventhough i know i was late,i still took my time to bath and do the usual stuff that i did in the morning.theres no use rushing and still be late,when u can relax and also be late right? so thats what i choose to do.the bus ride to school was fun.not even 1 single andersonian was in it.its like u need to come back to school for remmedials during the holiday.when i reach school the old auntie ask me to write my name down and how many times i was late.when i wrote 1st time she didnt belive! she said she will check my record to see if im lying or not.please is my first day of fasting month! how can i break fast due to a small lie? was per normal only that during recess i stayed in class and hear onwards im not looking forward to recess but the end of school.after school we waited for rahuman and joel then went straight home.throughout the whole day i didnt have the mood and was tired.i dragged my feet most of the time.i decided to post now as tonight,im gonna break fast and go prayers.after that its too late to just trying to stay away from food or even think of food for the mean time.
*gong gong-crazy
i think my mood swings back.i thought that i was gonna be okayy but i was wrong.sometimes i feel confused,sad,angry all mixed into one.i just hate being this way.i just need something or someone to make my day or even week.for now im just relying on Simpsons this sunday to cheer me up.they have never fail to make me laugh.
Wednesday, September 12
fasting month is gonna be hard.its different now that we are schooling.unlike last time,fasting month is during the can sleep in the afternoon,wake up and immediatly eat.schools gonna be tough and its hard to concentrate with an empty stomach.not to mention the temptation when coming down to recess and seeing everyone eating is harsh! but i think most of the malay students won't come down for recess.just sit in class hearing music or sleep.for those who dont know,fasting month is a month where muslims all around the world dont eat from 5 in the morning to 7 at night.they do this so that they know what hunger poor people all around the world feels everyday of their we would not waste food,donate to the needy and be a better person.fasting also cleans the stomach as we wont eat anything for a period of time.our stomach also gets to relax.these are the reasons why we fast.for some may think that its stupid.but behind every action theres a reason.TO ALL MUSLIMS,SELAMAT BERPUASA! (jangan puasa yok yok!)
fasting month is gonna be hard.its different now that we are schooling.unlike last time,fasting month is during the can sleep in the afternoon,wake up and immediatly eat.schools gonna be tough and its hard to concentrate with an empty stomach.not to mention the temptation when coming down to recess and seeing everyone eating is harsh! but i think most of the malay students won't come down for recess.just sit in class hearing music or sleep.for those who dont know,fasting month is a month where muslims all around the world dont eat from 5 in the morning to 7 at night.they do this so that they know what hunger poor people all around the world feels everyday of their we would not waste food,donate to the needy and be a better person.fasting also cleans the stomach as we wont eat anything for a period of time.our stomach also gets to relax.these are the reasons why we fast.for some may think that its stupid.but behind every action theres a reason.TO ALL MUSLIMS,SELAMAT BERPUASA! (jangan puasa yok yok!)
Tuesday, September 11
school was as per normal.lesson was boring uhh.especially because we had 2 physics lesson and 1 chemistry lesson.back to back! i was damn tired and my brain wasnt 'on' but mr ang made jokes and was funny.his face is so round sehh! and his perot boncet! hahah! but he's nice when he teach us.after school i had a problem with our soccer training.the sec 1 had a match with st gabriel.they were big! i thought they were sec 4 or 5 but they were sec 1 and 2! wow what did they eat sehh?? well we're alright with that but then they told us their match starts at 3.30! the same time as ours! we wanted to 'halau' them and ask them to play outside of school but they had a teacher in charge.i thought about it and got a solution.they played one halve then we play our match.but we dont know if they would let.then the teacher in charge said that the opponent brought 2 teams and we could challenge their sec 2 team.without hesitation,we accepted their offer.we MUST WIN as if we didnt,we can forget about playing soccer again.we can't lose to sec 2! reputation gone sehh! so the sec 1's played their match first with me being the referee.the sun was scorching hot and i was sun im dark! becoming a nigga! hahah! kk back to the story.the sec 1 put on a great fight and at halve time they were down 3-2.not a bad score.its our turn and all or us were in our best form.we draw first blood and the score was 1-0.not long after we scored again! and again! so now the score was 3-0.they retaliate and scored a goal but we didnt just sit down with that we scored again!at halve time,the scored was the sec 1's continued 2nd halve with ashraf being the referee.he was high and gave a player a yellow card! haha! gila lah he.he even shouted at the players! hahah! ashraf ashraf.the sec 1 put up a great fight and they won the match with a score 5-4.congrats to them! so its our turn.we had a few players substituted and the game begins! I scored a goal to increase the score to 5-1.but they pushed on and got 2 long range goals.our keeper's fault ahh! a shot like that also cannot catch.haiyoo..see lah never come for training! but we held on to the lead and scored more goals! in the end,the final score was 8-3! great match! i scored 3 goals! yeyy!! we didnt have a fight and shook hands.after that we went home as a team.what a great day! we came for training but got a match instead.bessttt! here i am typing with my leg toe nail broke! wahh my socks were red sehh.bloodyyy..haha.i think im sleeping early today.tiredd sehh.and my chest and biceps ache!! yeyy! i think now my legs are going to ache too.i love the feeling of an aching muscle! shiokk! haha.
*halau-get rid *shiokk-a great sensation *gila-crazy
im going to eat till my stomach burst tomorow! thursday is fasting month and we cant get too just waiting for hari raya! get moneyy!! yeyy!! best best! To all,selamat berpuasa and visit my house during hari raya! and i'll visit urs too!
*halau-get rid *shiokk-a great sensation *gila-crazy
im going to eat till my stomach burst tomorow! thursday is fasting month and we cant get too just waiting for hari raya! get moneyy!! yeyy!! best best! To all,selamat berpuasa and visit my house during hari raya! and i'll visit urs too!
Monday, September 10
it was extra hard to wake up usual bath bla bla bla and went to school.1st period was quite entertaining.Mr yong replace mdm zaleha and with his lame antics he made the lesson quite fun.i cant belive that i said history was fun! haiyoo..we didnt have PE as it was raining.then the hall was occupied with the exam thingyy.okayy the rest of the day i dont need to say.BORING! went home and then to gym.wahh the gym was damn crowded.some teacher brought his basketball team into the the whole team inside the gym sehh! we stayed in there for 2 hrs due to long queue.trained chest and biceps.push to the limit sehh! i hope my body aches tomorow.if not im not satisfied! after tt accompany ashraf go cut his hair as his hair was 'funny'? hahah! his hair like nerdd! haha! after that went straight home and online until now.i want to eat but no food!! arghh!!! milk H(k)L also dont to eat cereal sehh?? just waiting for tomorows soccer training.its our i hope it will be an entertaining one.okayy..end of day! byebye!
it was extra hard to wake up usual bath bla bla bla and went to school.1st period was quite entertaining.Mr yong replace mdm zaleha and with his lame antics he made the lesson quite fun.i cant belive that i said history was fun! haiyoo..we didnt have PE as it was raining.then the hall was occupied with the exam thingyy.okayy the rest of the day i dont need to say.BORING! went home and then to gym.wahh the gym was damn crowded.some teacher brought his basketball team into the the whole team inside the gym sehh! we stayed in there for 2 hrs due to long queue.trained chest and biceps.push to the limit sehh! i hope my body aches tomorow.if not im not satisfied! after tt accompany ashraf go cut his hair as his hair was 'funny'? hahah! his hair like nerdd! haha! after that went straight home and online until now.i want to eat but no food!! arghh!!! milk H(k)L also dont to eat cereal sehh?? just waiting for tomorows soccer training.its our i hope it will be an entertaining one.okayy..end of day! byebye!
yesterday my mood was better.i was happy and high due to simpsons! simpsons really helped cheer me up.both my idols never fail me! i've cleared out my mind and thought things out.i hope my mood stays this way.mood swings SUCK!
to mum,
sorry i talked in that tone to you.i was'nt in a good sorry!
yesterday my mood was better.i was happy and high due to simpsons! simpsons really helped cheer me up.both my idols never fail me! i've cleared out my mind and thought things out.i hope my mood stays this way.mood swings SUCK!
to mum,
sorry i talked in that tone to you.i was'nt in a good sorry!
Sunday, September 9
I wake up,look at my hp and it was 7.45am.great.i really didnt feel like playing the soccer match.its like my bed was stuck to my body.inch by inch i drag myself to the stinkin toilet.somebody didnt flush! i suspected that it was my brothers doing.i hold my breath and flushed but the smell was still there so i just bathed quickly and get the hell out of there.i changed my clothes and packed my stuff.its was already i called farhan and he was otw.we met at the bus stop and took 269 to yck sec.
when we reach there,there were afew pakciks changing so we changed and warm up.the opposition was a chinese team.they look fit but who cares! we had exactly 11 players as some of them cant make it.
kickoff and the game started slow.we didnt play that well and at halve time and we were down 2-0.sedih sehh.the sun slowly started to rise and it was scorching hot.the second halve prove to be more agressive and at a faster pace.i had a few chances but missed it.haiz.adapting myself to the new boot.both teams played dirty and one of their players had a dispute over ours.the referee cooled things down by warning the both of them but even after that hard tackles were made.we scored one goal but it was ruled as offside.minutes after that they our goal is to just score one goal and sure enough we score 4-1.after changing we decided to play pool but changed of plans due to shortage of we went straight to KFC.damn tired sehh.after eating we went home.
when i reach home,i went online but halveway through i decided to body was too tired.slept for a few hrs and here i am.i thought of posting at night but i was too bored!
ive been quite moody these days and i dont know why.maybe its because of the exam pressure and some confusion.adapting to my new life maybe? i dont know.i just hope that i get my mood back soon.
when we reach there,there were afew pakciks changing so we changed and warm up.the opposition was a chinese team.they look fit but who cares! we had exactly 11 players as some of them cant make it.
kickoff and the game started slow.we didnt play that well and at halve time and we were down 2-0.sedih sehh.the sun slowly started to rise and it was scorching hot.the second halve prove to be more agressive and at a faster pace.i had a few chances but missed it.haiz.adapting myself to the new boot.both teams played dirty and one of their players had a dispute over ours.the referee cooled things down by warning the both of them but even after that hard tackles were made.we scored one goal but it was ruled as offside.minutes after that they our goal is to just score one goal and sure enough we score 4-1.after changing we decided to play pool but changed of plans due to shortage of we went straight to KFC.damn tired sehh.after eating we went home.
when i reach home,i went online but halveway through i decided to body was too tired.slept for a few hrs and here i am.i thought of posting at night but i was too bored!
ive been quite moody these days and i dont know why.maybe its because of the exam pressure and some confusion.adapting to my new life maybe? i dont know.i just hope that i get my mood back soon.
Saturday, September 8
birth of my blog!
okayy..this is my first post.because of a long and boring day i decided to make a blog so here it is! at first i had a doubts weather to make a blog or not.due to careful consideration and some help,i decided to make one.after creating bla bla bla,i was stuck.i didnt know how to change the blog skin or why it cant be in came hazlif aruzan! i heed her advice but still i didnt knw i gave her my password and she did it for me within 15min or so.wonderwoman lah she.haha! thanks again ya! so here i am typing my first post..
today was a dragg.woke up at ard 8am.wanted to sleep back but couldnt.went online while watch tv the whole day.mum ask me to go to some kenduri but i didnt want mood uhh.i wanted to run but changed my mind due to my aching just waiting for tomorow's soccer match at 9am.haizz.why does it have to be in the morning?! but luckily the venue is near or i wouldnt want to come at all.hmm thats all for today.till then,byebye!
today was a dragg.woke up at ard 8am.wanted to sleep back but couldnt.went online while watch tv the whole day.mum ask me to go to some kenduri but i didnt want mood uhh.i wanted to run but changed my mind due to my aching just waiting for tomorow's soccer match at 9am.haizz.why does it have to be in the morning?! but luckily the venue is near or i wouldnt want to come at all.hmm thats all for today.till then,byebye!
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