here i am wide awake at 1am typing while eating porridge.i really dont know how im gonna stay awake in class tomorow.most probably im gonna be halve dead.i shouldnt have slept in the afternoon just now.but too bad i cant stand the i decided to sleep maximum duration 1 hr.but i end up sleeping from 4-7pm.3 hrs.great.i woke up because my friend called.if she didnt call me i think i wouldnt have woken up in time to break fast.thanks again! i tried my best to sleep just now,listen to slow song any songs that are smoothing to the ear but to no avail.alot of things are running through my mind.the past,present and the future.sometimes i feel like quitting.stopping time and falling into a deep sleep.something like hibernation to clear my just so tired of things happening around me.i try my best to snap out of this confusion but it just comes back all that tries to cheer me up,thanks a bunch.i really apprechiate everything that u've know who you are. :) starting from now,i aint gonna be sad/angry/dissapointed bla bla bla.i've done some thinking and come to a conclusion.that i would live to this life to the fullest,and fuck anyone who tries to stop sorry for the vulgarities but the feeling of anger inside me just needs to be release.i aint gonna care less about what people think of me or what i am doing.if they dont like it then fuck off.i going back to sleep to refresh my memory and try to delete away unwanted ones.i just hope i wake up in time to sahor.