Auntie:excuse me.
Auntie:how to go to the 14th floor?
HKL:----.---- u can take the lift.
Auntie:ohh okayy thank you.
HKL:ur welcome.
how stupid can these ppl be?? damn i should have said, u can take the stairs.haha! okayy then after that i was suppose to meet marianni for her bday treat but she cant make it cause she must take care of i didnt wanna go home as u all knw the reason to i asked a few of my friends and Zee ended up we met at J8 to watch the movie 'Balls Of Furry'.the movie was great!! if was funny sehh! u guys should watch it before they dont show it anymore. but the movie still cannot beat Simpsons! hahah! after the movie Zee wanted to go home so here i home awaiting buka. well tomorow im gonna work again.and its the whole day! seriously gonna die out of boredness.i hope time flies tomorow which i think time will crawl and the day ends.i cant wait to get the money and buy stuffs! okayy i better stop here.dh nak buka.selamat berbuka puasa! :D
Security Guard..-.-