what an action packed morning! as usual there was flag raising bla bla bla.and so we went back to class. that was when the fun started. an anti-social classmate of mine named wilson was sleeping with his head on the table. ashraf as usual, disturbed other people and banged his table. mimicing our math teacher Mr Chai or however you spell it. evertime when someone sleeps he would bang the table as hard as he can with his funny expressions.haha! okayy back to the story, wilson was sleeping and then came along ashraf who banged his table just for the fun of it.
that was just the start. i could see wilson was quite pissed with ashraf but he just lie down back. then ashraf came AGAIN and whack Han Wei's table to wake Han Wei up. this Han Wei sits just beside wilson therefore wilson was also shocked by the banging ashraf made. ashraf then went back to his place and sat down.
this wilson then stood up, and without thinking shouted at ashraf, "OI! YOU WANT TO FIGHT IS IT?!" after that the whole class errupted. everyone was rooting for a fight to happen.haha! ashraf then cooly walked up to wilson and offered him. he said, " CB YOU WANT TO FIGHT YOU HIT ME FIRST.COME AHH!!".hahha!
all of us we're encouraging wilson to punch.or at least push so that ashraf would get to whack him. nobody likes wilson so everyone is supporting ashraf.hahah! ashraf then kept shouting and shouting at him but wilson just stood there, his legs were shaking wildly. heck his whole body was shaking as if he's trying to show his anger. wooowww..we're all scaredd...ohh we're shivering. hahahha! xD
he just stood there shivering without a word. staring at ashraf. ashraf was taunting him all the way and he even could laugh when one of us made a joke. hahah! what an idiotic guy sehh this wilson. he is the one who offered ashraf but he didnt make a move. is he stupid or what? if he dont dare to fight then dont offer in the first place! hahs! wth. with dissapointment in our faces we then continued doing our own stuffs. Han Wei who were supposedly wilsons only good friend(i think) said this," i lose half of my respect for him." hahahha! even his so called good friend lost respect for him. he should just have kept his mouth shut and sleep! well at least he gave us some action so early in the morning. hahah! now the whole class is mouthing this sentence," YOU WANT TO FIGHT IS IT??." Ahahah! who knows what show he'll put up again tomorow. or until he grow some 'nuts'.hahahha! xD
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Sunday, January 27
today kinda suck.we went all the way to clementi for the soccer match but it ended up being canceled due to bad weather. haizz.what a waste of my transport money. luckily the west coast park is near so we played there.after that the pakcik sent us home in his van.good that he sent us home cause my ez-link is -40 cents! he even bought two 100+ drinks for us. we drink and burp and drink and burp.haha! our stomachs were full with water.upon reaching home we washed our boots under my block.me and rafi only that is. the rest all LAZY.haiyoo.
dad came home with toys! he bought me a toy vespa/lighter. i so freaking like it! he bought my brother a remote control toy car. i know.we're like small kids playing with toys. but who cares! theres still a kid in me and im not afraid to show it. not only that,he bought watches and food.niceee.

dad came home with toys! he bought me a toy vespa/lighter. i so freaking like it! he bought my brother a remote control toy car. i know.we're like small kids playing with toys. but who cares! theres still a kid in me and im not afraid to show it. not only that,he bought watches and food.niceee.
okayy.i'll end here.theres school tomorow :/
Saturday, January 26
what a day. i expected this day to be really boring but it ended up being a great day!
i planned to cheer farhan up so i invited him out to town.we met at 2.15 and then made our way to town. after reaching there we went straight to lucky plaza to play pool. that was when the fun part started. we crossed the road even when there were cars zooming past us. we stand in the middle of the road like as if it was a daily routine. we walked like an old man and the cars even slowed down for us! one of us paniced and was like "kal! you crazy or what?! ehh fcuk! the car coming car coming!!!" hahah! i shant say who he is. :x
pool was great.and as usual i keep winning.*ehem* hahaha! we had lots of fun mocking each other.we stopped at 4 and made our way to the nasi ayam penyet shop to have our lunch. the food was great especially the chilli.yumm!
the arcade was tempting us to play daytona so we fell for it.we exchanged $1 and got 2 tokens.luckily the daytona game only needs 1 token so we got to play twice. guess what,i came in first for both games! hahah! i banged farhan until he crashed! jangan marah ye bangg? kekeke.
after that we went to search for my street soccer shoe.so we went to cinilesure to get them. after buying the street soccer boots,we didnt know what else to do.so we just sat at a seat opposite heeren.we chatted and laughed and commented on people.coincidently we saw ashraf and shahida! we wanted to call them but we decided to leave them alone.ishh romantic luhh! hahah!
at one point of time,i was msging and farhan was checking out his phone.suddenly,*splatt!* i looked up just infront of me and saw a white blop. bird shit!! immediatly we stand up and move away from that place before more 'bombs' are released.we were laughing like mad until everyone was looking at us. hahah! luckily the 'bomb' didnt dropped directly at my head or i would have freaking cursed the bird.but instead it gave us a good laugh. we moved and found a place to seat which was sheltered.as we were chatting away,an old lady carrying a roller bag stroll infront of us, put the bag beside us and just left! can you belive tt? she just left without the bag! we were like wth. our imaginations then run wild. what if it were a bomb? not the 'bomb' that i mentioned just now but a real exploding bomb! a C4,dynamite,time-bomb etc. we were like shytt. I DONT WANNA DIE! i dont wanna die a virgin! hahaha! so we moved a few meters away.dont know what good that'll do but at least it eases my mind. lets say that was a bom and it exploded,then i wont be blown to pieces. not if i sat right beside the bom! am i right or am i right? xD
but the suspense was short lived as the old lady cam back. we had a good laugh and suspensed thanks to the old lady.after 3 hours of chatting and laughing,we drag our tired feets home. too bad sree could make it or it'll be twice the fun!
i planned to cheer farhan up so i invited him out to town.we met at 2.15 and then made our way to town. after reaching there we went straight to lucky plaza to play pool. that was when the fun part started. we crossed the road even when there were cars zooming past us. we stand in the middle of the road like as if it was a daily routine. we walked like an old man and the cars even slowed down for us! one of us paniced and was like "kal! you crazy or what?! ehh fcuk! the car coming car coming!!!" hahah! i shant say who he is. :x
pool was great.and as usual i keep winning.*ehem* hahaha! we had lots of fun mocking each other.we stopped at 4 and made our way to the nasi ayam penyet shop to have our lunch. the food was great especially the chilli.yumm!
the arcade was tempting us to play daytona so we fell for it.we exchanged $1 and got 2 tokens.luckily the daytona game only needs 1 token so we got to play twice. guess what,i came in first for both games! hahah! i banged farhan until he crashed! jangan marah ye bangg? kekeke.
after that we went to search for my street soccer shoe.so we went to cinilesure to get them. after buying the street soccer boots,we didnt know what else to do.so we just sat at a seat opposite heeren.we chatted and laughed and commented on people.coincidently we saw ashraf and shahida! we wanted to call them but we decided to leave them alone.ishh romantic luhh! hahah!
at one point of time,i was msging and farhan was checking out his phone.suddenly,*splatt!* i looked up just infront of me and saw a white blop. bird shit!! immediatly we stand up and move away from that place before more 'bombs' are released.we were laughing like mad until everyone was looking at us. hahah! luckily the 'bomb' didnt dropped directly at my head or i would have freaking cursed the bird.but instead it gave us a good laugh. we moved and found a place to seat which was sheltered.as we were chatting away,an old lady carrying a roller bag stroll infront of us, put the bag beside us and just left! can you belive tt? she just left without the bag! we were like wth. our imaginations then run wild. what if it were a bomb? not the 'bomb' that i mentioned just now but a real exploding bomb! a C4,dynamite,time-bomb etc. we were like shytt. I DONT WANNA DIE! i dont wanna die a virgin! hahaha! so we moved a few meters away.dont know what good that'll do but at least it eases my mind. lets say that was a bom and it exploded,then i wont be blown to pieces. not if i sat right beside the bom! am i right or am i right? xD
but the suspense was short lived as the old lady cam back. we had a good laugh and suspensed thanks to the old lady.after 3 hours of chatting and laughing,we drag our tired feets home. too bad sree could make it or it'll be twice the fun!
Friday, January 25
2 more day to go. im scared i wont be able to perform. during the training on tuesday,i played like sh*t. my touch was off. step-overs was not to be. and i ran like a sloth.not only that my stamina was poor. i need to jog tomorow. and this time im gonna run a 6.6km run.i got to make sure im fully fit for sunday's match.its been a long time since i played a proper soccer match and im really fired up for it.i'll give the defenders a hard time! *grinn*
Wednesday, January 23
im so drained out today due to yesterday's training and todays P.E lesson.i was so sleepy throughout the whole day.my legs and abs were aching and my right eye hurts without any apparent reason.i just hope i get back into shape before this sundays match.im really looking forward to it and i dont want to dissapoint myself for playing badly.its definitly gonna be a great game.
tomorow, the O level results are out. i wish all those who sat for the O levels the best of luck! get the results you aimed for and get into the course that you want. update me with the results aite? GOOD LUCK! :D
tomorow, the O level results are out. i wish all those who sat for the O levels the best of luck! get the results you aimed for and get into the course that you want. update me with the results aite? GOOD LUCK! :D
Monday, January 21
monday.the life cycle repeats itself.school nearly suck today.do you know why? its because a bloody old teacher caught my long hair(which isnt even long). i was freakin pissed at first but end up walking out of the room a happy man.haha! instead of getting a bad haircut,i took advantage of it and cut my hair the way i wanted! hows that for a change? luckily the barber was a malay pakcik.so i asked him not to SLOPE my back or i'll be the laughing stock of the class! no no no that cant happen.not only that,i asked him to layer the top for me but not the fringe.well everything turned out the way i wanted and yess im happy! at least its worth my 5 dollars.and i even get to skip math class.hahah!
i dont know why im super super hyper today.guess i owe it all to a close friend of mine. her words of wisdom help me clear my cloged up brain. thank you very much! you know who you are :D
i dont know whats wrong with my right eye.it has been freaking painful.without any reason! it'll get watery and i cant even open it.i just hope it gets well soon.aite then! im off for a run.a match is coming up this sunday.and im really fired up for it! *grinn*
i dont know why im super super hyper today.guess i owe it all to a close friend of mine. her words of wisdom help me clear my cloged up brain. thank you very much! you know who you are :D
i dont know whats wrong with my right eye.it has been freaking painful.without any reason! it'll get watery and i cant even open it.i just hope it gets well soon.aite then! im off for a run.a match is coming up this sunday.and im really fired up for it! *grinn*
Saturday, January 19
erased feelings
time and time i ask myself why am i born in this world.am i to make a difference? to help people who are in need? or am i the ones who make them sad? to dissapoint them? should i make a choice or should i let fate take control? im puzzled myself.sometimes i feel as though its no use being in this world.i just a dissapointment.to other people and to myself.but at times,the world around me shows me things that changes my mind.for example people giving up their seats for the elderly,strangers exchanged smiles,couples holding hands.these things just puts my heart at ease. it makes me want to do something. to contribute to the society and to help ones in need. i feel grateful that i have grandparents and parents who care,who love me no matter what happens.brothers who stick by me through thick and thin. friends who always makes my day.i apprechiate all of them.every single living soul. thank you. thank you for your support,concern,happiness,laughter and most importantly,love.i've always tried to return the favour but sometimes i didnt get to. for that i deeply apologise. its funny how life hits us when we least expected. they hit us so hard,that sometimes it takes ages for us to stand up again or even stand up at all. even so,the damage is done. people wish to turn back time. they wish everything's perfect for them.well nothings perfect. life is'nt a game.where you can save and load.whats done cant be undone.all you can do is accept the fact and focus on the future.its no use looking back cause it'll just pull you down. but saying is always easier then doing. well this is a test for all.how strong are you mentally and physically.remember,only the strong survives..
Friday, January 18
First of all,i just want to shout YEAHH! do you know why? cause my com is okay!
i really miss her.its been a few weeks but it seems like a few years.happy happy yess i am! (:
Next week,the field is open! yeahh! nothing like playing soccer under the hot sun. talking about the sun,its been scorching hot lately. shessh.just sitting down at home can make you sweat.last month it has been raining non-stop. this month the sun seems to be up there 24 hours.but i still prefer the sun then the rain though.how about you?
ive been spending too much and i really need to save up. buying cadbury hazelnut chocs has burned a large hole in my pocket.how am i to get my vespa by the end of the year? hmm nvm.i'll think of a way sooner or later.
i washed my hands..
i really miss her.its been a few weeks but it seems like a few years.happy happy yess i am! (:
Next week,the field is open! yeahh! nothing like playing soccer under the hot sun. talking about the sun,its been scorching hot lately. shessh.just sitting down at home can make you sweat.last month it has been raining non-stop. this month the sun seems to be up there 24 hours.but i still prefer the sun then the rain though.how about you?
ive been spending too much and i really need to save up. buying cadbury hazelnut chocs has burned a large hole in my pocket.how am i to get my vespa by the end of the year? hmm nvm.i'll think of a way sooner or later.
i washed my hands..
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