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Saturday, January 19
erased feelings
time and time i ask myself why am i born in this i to make a difference? to help people who are in need? or am i the ones who make them sad? to dissapoint them? should i make a choice or should i let fate take control? im puzzled myself.sometimes i feel as though its no use being in this world.i just a other people and to myself.but at times,the world around me shows me things that changes my mind.for example people giving up their seats for the elderly,strangers exchanged smiles,couples holding hands.these things just puts my heart at ease. it makes me want to do something. to contribute to the society and to help ones in need. i feel grateful that i have grandparents and parents who care,who love me no matter what happens.brothers who stick by me through thick and thin. friends who always makes my day.i apprechiate all of them.every single living soul. thank you. thank you for your support,concern,happiness,laughter and most importantly,love.i've always tried to return the favour but sometimes i didnt get to. for that i deeply apologise. its funny how life hits us when we least expected. they hit us so hard,that sometimes it takes ages for us to stand up again or even stand up at all. even so,the damage is done. people wish to turn back time. they wish everything's perfect for them.well nothings perfect. life is'nt a game.where you can save and load.whats done cant be undone.all you can do is accept the fact and focus on the future.its no use looking back cause it'll just pull you down. but saying is always easier then doing. well this is a test for strong are you mentally and physically.remember,only the strong survives..