when i woke up it was pouring and the weather was so cool. i just felt like going to dreamland once again.but eventually i woke up and went to school all drenched.my legs were totally soaked and wearing a wet shoe was'nt comfortable.
learnt new topic today. SHEAR. it was okayy.kinda easy. D&T was a bore.had eng at the library and some talk from some policeman during EFL.after school had D&T remedial and thank god i confirmed the design. or else i dont know when im gonna finish this D&T project.
after school we went to central to window shop for my school shoe. after that we spend some time before heading home. had a great time with youuu belo! ^^
recived a text from the pakcik that there is a soccer match tomorow! YEYY! at last there is a soccer match. im looking forward to it and im definitly gonna score some damn goals.haha!
you make everything else a blurr except you..