Today was a sad + happy day. the sad part was JR going back to his country. it was a sad moment seeing him going away and all.everyone was bidding him goodbyes and such. pictures were taken and not soon after,he was in the departure hall.take care JR! all the best in life! YOU BETTER NOT FREAKIN FORGET US! hahaha! at least were still able to chat online. (:
After JR's departure,we went to have breakfast at macs and then off to round the airport.we did alot of crazy things like sitting in the skytrain for 45mins and going around being a public nuisance.let's just let the pictures tell the story...
After JR's departure,we went to have breakfast at macs and then off to round the airport.we did alot of crazy things like sitting in the skytrain for 45mins and going around being a public nuisance.let's just let the pictures tell the story...
"KAL! wrong toilet lahh!"
ashraf:ehh got fly ahh!
kal:for people to aim at lahh dickhead.
kal:for people to aim at lahh dickhead.
farhan:trying to kill yourself ahh sree?
ooooohh..whats that??
Below are 3 new workers.
The Lazy.
The hardworking.
The idiot.
departure hall.
Singapore Airline.
Lets go shoppinggg!
being emo.
2 morons.
the other 2 sleepy morons.
just another angle. sweet.
below: 2 homeless monkeys.
happily dreaming of N_nth_ni.
welcome to my crib..
Below:This luggage cart is the main entertainment item for the day.
nak terkencit ke kal?
fierce tak menjadi.
little kid engrossed.