it was the most awaited day for all graduating students.some shopped till the very last minute.some spend till nearly a thousand.whatever it is,its all clear. they wanna dress to impress. i went there by cab as i didnt want to sweat and such. upon reaching,the entrance was filled with andersonians. the guys looks handsome and smart.the girls look hot and sexy. though some just seem like they were going to town.

we took a picture at the entrance when everything was 'intact'. featuring wen hua and rauf, the 'pimp' of the night.

a candid shot of a discussion.

the programmes started and prom kings and queens were nominated by every classes. they were told to do cat walks as shown in the picture by hazimah or

be a macho man like posed by mamun. its all part of the game.the prom king and prom queen didnt have my support though. maybe because the prom king looked too sloppy and the prom queen,maybe sluttish.sorry but thats what i think of em.still,all of them were great in their own ways. in between we ate.the food wasnt that great.not really the $80 buffet that i expected. they promised a second serving. i even saved some space for the second serving and when i turned,all the food was cleared.tskk! im pissed man. well after everything was over. everyone went out to get their photos taken.

part of the class.

class 5/2 08'

dancing in the moonlight..

brothers till the end.

full view.

teachers that made it all possible.

the women of the night, Miss Lee!
and now photos with bros!

w ashraf; the party starter. a party without him would'nt be called a party.

w sree; the cool dude who wipes girls off their feet.

w ma'mun; the talented rocker who will rock your socks off.
enough of dudes,now to the hotties! ;P

w evanda; ashraf's ex. xD

w geraldine; the fierce business women. she'll whack you when she feels like it.

w hazwani; the dancer.when she dance,you just watch.

w ranjini; the cheerful girl next class.

w effariza;the nomintated prom queen.she can catwalk real good.

w izzah; the brainy yet pretty girl.

last but not least,w ainul fasha; the elegant and classy girl. in reply to your post,i would like to say thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for me.the gifts you gave me and the memories locked in my head.all that i will keep and cherish forever. im sorry for all the things ive said that might trigger your anger.or maybe the things that ive done which i didnt realize could hurt you. truely i am. though we have gone our seperate ways, i hope you would accept me as a friend. a good friend. i'll always be here if you need have my word.
for the finale,a self potrait of me.