Just now we had a secondary school reunion. crazy people=crazy day. first we went to LJS to return my uniform but forgot to bring the pants and name tag. pandai ah kau haikal. will be returning to LJS again on monday. played pool for an hour after that and chilled out under the block. played daidi and webcam-whore! haha! okay stop talking.photos next!
self shots using phone.

eh why geraldine's photo like siow uh? i think cause of the person. xD

eh rabbit!...sesat.

cey abang ash kite kene act cool uh.

emo shit!

rambut dah straighten muke kene maintain.

mat rep dok!

anjedi! (tamil version of mat rep)

we're still trying to figure out how to use the webcam.thats why all our faces look serious.

ahhhhh now we know! hee! :D

and againnn.


moron,idiot,stupid=3 stooges

oohh interesting phone asy!

the eye 3.

i dont really know what we were trying to do in this pic.

asy looks like a girl. boleh tahan hot! haha!

mat rep in action!

mat rep turned good boy. *yeah rightt*


lick lick lick like a lolipoppp..

this photo was actually taken tilted. ok fake.

after pose..

looks at picture and laughs..

then get crazy in front of webcam..

and again..

and walks off.


geraldine and mamun shocked,shafiq giving BJ and im trying to lick mamun.great combination.

kiss kiss! geraldine jealous never get to join..

and walks off.
HAHA! too bad a bunch of cops had to ruin our night.they came and ask us questions etc. very rude cops. they should learn some manners.they said we were making too much noise and that we are not suppose to be in a group of more then 3. ah heck who gives a damn. old people tryin to act tough.
tomorow im having my circuit practise. cant wait to ride a bike! 21st may please come quick!