woo im going to KL in a few hours time! i hope everything goes smoothly and that all of us enjoy ourselves. correction to the previous post, i'll be back on monday thus i wont be attending school. dont know if its a good thing or not but heck i got a good reason. okay then i guess i'll be getting ready soon. will blog once im back. seeya people!
And to umyra. we wont be able to contact each other while im away so please take good care of yourself . i'll miss you. :)
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Wednesday, December 23
Yesterday night was gereeeeeek!! Met my dickies at 6 and made our way down to ECP. We got lost trying to go to east coast park since we wanted to go by the nearest way to the bicycle shop. We reached and asked the guy what time they close and he said 9. It was 8.30 so we went for a quick dinner at burger king before getting our bicycles. I swear it was very uncomfortable at first. Maybe im not used to riding a bicycle after riding bike. Nevertheless we all soon got comfortable with it and were racing/pushing each other. At first we didnt have any motive of where to go but we made a decision and planned to just cycle till we reach a dead end. So off we go and we thought were just covering east cost but soon we ventured till changi and eventually reached changi village!
Look at the distance travelled! Fug i myself cant belive we cycled that far. Okay it might not seem far to some of you but it is to us and the fact that were not fit makes it seem further. There is a long stretch beside the changi international airport which all of us call 'the never ending path'. Its like your in a nightmare where you cycle and cycle but you feel like your just doing the same thing all over again. Total distance of just that stretch was 7km. Oh we cycled to OCH(old changi hospital) too just have abit of fun. When we reached there there was a group of guys(around 8) and 3 girls. Best thing is those 3 girls didnt know those guys. Were they that stupid to go to a place like that with a group of guys wearing mini skirts and heels! Could have been raped or some shit. Dumb bitches. The group asked us if were going in and if they could join. Should have said no cause it wasnt scary anymore. Freakin wasted our time. After that we chill out to take a break and have some snacks before making our tiring journey back. Everyone was quiet on the way back as energy levels are already on reserve. Reached ECP at around 5am, returned the bicycles and went to have breakfast at macs. You dont know how freakin good it feels to sit at mac's chair after a long ride! It feels so darn good! Everyones butt and legs were sore. At one point of time all of us just sit and stare, at nothing. All blank. And everytime either one of us sat down we made the 'aaaah' sound. hahah didnt know sitting can also make a guy high. lol. Made our way home after that. At the point my body touch my bed it really felt like heaven. Literally! Overall it was an awesome day, good plans, good company and what an adventure. Pictures next!

Oh and btw im going off to KL from tomorow till sunday. :D

break time.

changi village!

never ending path.

My dickies!
new year is getting near, what will the outcome be?
Monday, December 21
Training today was good. Really pushed myself to the limit when we ran the whole of bedok reservoir. Total distance was 4.3km. Timed myself and i finished it in 23mins. Wow thats a big achievment! After the run we did the usual push ups etc but today we did abit more. Pull ups. Didnt really want to push myself since my wrist hasnt healed fully so just met the basic criteria. I can feel my calves and thighs still tight even after a few hours. Definitly gonna ache tomorow. Going ECP with my dickies to cycle and i dont quite know how im gonna do that with an aching body. Argh damn it! I miss the starting of fringe and also i have psychology make up lesson tomorow morning! tskk! damn it! I shall sleep early today since i have a long day tomorow or should i say a never ending day.
Do you know that i still like you, oldie?
Do you know that i still like you, oldie?
Sunday, December 20
Its confirmed! Im shifting house people! Went to view the new house just now. The house is okay but there will be some renovating here and there. Its kinda small but what do you expect from a 3 room flat right? As long as we have a place to stay im happy with it. Too bad nenek cant be staying with us though. Im so gonna miss all the littlest things she will ask me to do like changing the channel to her fav astro ria, bring in the wet clothes, her nagging at almost everything and most of all her cooking. I shall vow to visit her every once in a while when im free. That is a must! :D
Oh Oh and im going KL this coming thursday till sunday. Its time to shop! Wohoo! Gotta stock up for next year. I just hope there is no traffic jam or any sort. Oh and to all the mat malaysia who are robbing singaporeans. Fcuk off please. The last time you spoiled our holiday but not this time. Imma fcuk you up if you try to rob us. Bloody no life people. Get a job lah please. -.-
I blogged and you havent. What does that show? Im much more hardworking then you are hands down. So whatcha have to say oldie? xD
Oh Oh and im going KL this coming thursday till sunday. Its time to shop! Wohoo! Gotta stock up for next year. I just hope there is no traffic jam or any sort. Oh and to all the mat malaysia who are robbing singaporeans. Fcuk off please. The last time you spoiled our holiday but not this time. Imma fcuk you up if you try to rob us. Bloody no life people. Get a job lah please. -.-
I blogged and you havent. What does that show? Im much more hardworking then you are hands down. So whatcha have to say oldie? xD
Friday, December 18
Holidays are up and its time to enjoyyy! The past few days have been spent by going to dragonboat training, working as a security guard, shopped, worked at night safari, went to the peranakan mueseum, went to watch Ninja Assasins, had supper plus chill out at upper seletar and finally today which is class outing plus dragonboat training.
Okay i shall talk about all that in detail.
Dragonboat training last week was very unexpected. At first i was asked to just come to join. When i came they asked us to run 6 rounds around the stadium track followed by push ups, leg raises etc. The running part really killed me cause i havent been running for months. And i ran with bermudas and canvas shoes. The best part of it was having a sore body the next day. I cant even sit up to get out of bed. lol
Working as the security guard suddenly poped out when i recived a call from dad the night before to ask if i can work the next day for 4 hours. From 8-12pm. I thought about it and why not. I needed the extra cash too. It was an easy job just sitting around waiting for lorries to come before you write down their license plate number. Had a chat with some of the construction workers just to kill time. Went to penin with aqq after that to get jeans for work. Walked around at penin and marina square before chill out at macs. After that met ash to get shoes before heading home.
Working at night safari is freakin irritating. Okay i shall not say work as it is more of a training where you dont get paid. Oh and guess what they said? I wasnt being natural and i have to treat the visitors like my friend. Fug i did all the shits they wanted me to do and still not enough. Wasted my time coming but on the brighter side i learned how to 'be more friendly'. -.-
Went to the peranakans museum with clique for project. Kinda interesting to know all those stuffs. I need to go to the national museum next. Damn so many museums to go to. Met my dickies after that at and we were just in time to catch Ninja Assasins at cini. The movie was freakin AWESOME! I think they used up 10litres of blood for that movie! lol. Sneak preview: The show was about how they trained young kids to become lethal assasins in the future. One of them(rain) dislike their methods of punishing people who tried to escape their clans thus he go against them. The special effects were cool and i especially liked the 'extra' litre of blood when any one of them were slashed. Overall 8/10 stars for me. A good movie for all those action junkies out there. Got a call from aqq again at night to chill out so went to eat and jalan kayu before heading over to upper seletar to chill. Whoa that place is dark. Really dark. Couples makin out and such were all normal over there and we as boys what else, disturb! hahah!
Finally today, im gonna go to friday prayers later on before heading to school and then meet the class for dinner. Its gonna be a really tiring day but at least its better then just sitting at home doing nothing right? I cant wait for next week's plans! Oh and sorry for not blogging for some time. Didnt really have the mood yknow.
Cheer up okay? Things are gonna be fine. Just sort them out one by one. :)
Okay i shall talk about all that in detail.
Dragonboat training last week was very unexpected. At first i was asked to just come to join. When i came they asked us to run 6 rounds around the stadium track followed by push ups, leg raises etc. The running part really killed me cause i havent been running for months. And i ran with bermudas and canvas shoes. The best part of it was having a sore body the next day. I cant even sit up to get out of bed. lol
Working as the security guard suddenly poped out when i recived a call from dad the night before to ask if i can work the next day for 4 hours. From 8-12pm. I thought about it and why not. I needed the extra cash too. It was an easy job just sitting around waiting for lorries to come before you write down their license plate number. Had a chat with some of the construction workers just to kill time. Went to penin with aqq after that to get jeans for work. Walked around at penin and marina square before chill out at macs. After that met ash to get shoes before heading home.
Working at night safari is freakin irritating. Okay i shall not say work as it is more of a training where you dont get paid. Oh and guess what they said? I wasnt being natural and i have to treat the visitors like my friend. Fug i did all the shits they wanted me to do and still not enough. Wasted my time coming but on the brighter side i learned how to 'be more friendly'. -.-
Went to the peranakans museum with clique for project. Kinda interesting to know all those stuffs. I need to go to the national museum next. Damn so many museums to go to. Met my dickies after that at and we were just in time to catch Ninja Assasins at cini. The movie was freakin AWESOME! I think they used up 10litres of blood for that movie! lol. Sneak preview: The show was about how they trained young kids to become lethal assasins in the future. One of them(rain) dislike their methods of punishing people who tried to escape their clans thus he go against them. The special effects were cool and i especially liked the 'extra' litre of blood when any one of them were slashed. Overall 8/10 stars for me. A good movie for all those action junkies out there. Got a call from aqq again at night to chill out so went to eat and jalan kayu before heading over to upper seletar to chill. Whoa that place is dark. Really dark. Couples makin out and such were all normal over there and we as boys what else, disturb! hahah!
Finally today, im gonna go to friday prayers later on before heading to school and then meet the class for dinner. Its gonna be a really tiring day but at least its better then just sitting at home doing nothing right? I cant wait for next week's plans! Oh and sorry for not blogging for some time. Didnt really have the mood yknow.
Cheer up okay? Things are gonna be fine. Just sort them out one by one. :)
Wednesday, December 9
Its holiday period already and i cant wait to have a long and undisturbed sleep. Oh and i guess im gonna start finding for a new job. Timezone is'nt fun anymore cause a new manager is in and he's kinda strict. Farhan wanted to work at 7-11 but isnt 7-11 worst? You cant slack and worst of all your alone. So today we're trying for night safari which is freakin far but if the pay is good, then why not? I just hope it doesnt rain later on cause were going after maghrib and if it rains at night, its freakin -10 degrees. Okay im exaggerating but you get the point.
Hitting the gym again soon after so long and im very excited to feel the pump! I miss all the workouts especially the bench press. It feels good after a workout, when you feel so tired you cant even walk straight. Or better still the next morning when you wake up, you whole body ache. Thats a good feeling of satisfaction. Oh also there are afew movies i wanna catch. Ninja Assasin and Case 39 but i need some ratings to begin with cause i wouldnt wanna be dissapointed after watching. So has anyone watched either of these shows? If you do, feel free to contact me at working hours from 1pm-12pm weekdays and 3pm- 1am on weekends. Thank you for your time. :)
Hey you, did you know that NEW YEAR is coming? :D
Hitting the gym again soon after so long and im very excited to feel the pump! I miss all the workouts especially the bench press. It feels good after a workout, when you feel so tired you cant even walk straight. Or better still the next morning when you wake up, you whole body ache. Thats a good feeling of satisfaction. Oh also there are afew movies i wanna catch. Ninja Assasin and Case 39 but i need some ratings to begin with cause i wouldnt wanna be dissapointed after watching. So has anyone watched either of these shows? If you do, feel free to contact me at working hours from 1pm-12pm weekdays and 3pm- 1am on weekends. Thank you for your time. :)
Hey you, did you know that NEW YEAR is coming? :D
Sunday, December 6
You know its love when your feeling like this. When you cant think straight in front of her. When you act differently in front of her. Recently ive made a mistake, a big mistake. Thus i wanna say sorry for the whole world to see.
Umyra bte Rosli Kwang, im sorry for everything ive done to make you sad/irritated/angry. I just have alot of problems right now in my life. I know thats no excuse thus im saying all this. Ive always wanted to make you happy and smile all the time. To make you feel like your on top of the world but i guessed ive screwed up. Im willing to try again but only if you let me. I wanna start all over again. Like the first time we talked on 19th september 09. I remembered it clearly cause there were all nines, 19/9/09. I was so happy that day when i got your number which you even forgot and i find that really cute to begin with. Im sorry i had to say everything this way cause everytime i talk to you my emotions get the better of me and i'll end up saying some shits i shouldnt have. So here im asking you, will you give me one more chance to make it right?
Umyra bte Rosli Kwang, im sorry for everything ive done to make you sad/irritated/angry. I just have alot of problems right now in my life. I know thats no excuse thus im saying all this. Ive always wanted to make you happy and smile all the time. To make you feel like your on top of the world but i guessed ive screwed up. Im willing to try again but only if you let me. I wanna start all over again. Like the first time we talked on 19th september 09. I remembered it clearly cause there were all nines, 19/9/09. I was so happy that day when i got your number which you even forgot and i find that really cute to begin with. Im sorry i had to say everything this way cause everytime i talk to you my emotions get the better of me and i'll end up saying some shits i shouldnt have. So here im asking you, will you give me one more chance to make it right?
Saturday, December 5
Friday, December 4
Dont know why im very moody nowadays. Even when assignments/projects are handed in and we are left with one more paper. Idk whats wrong with me. Sometimes i wonder whats my purpose in this world. What i am born to do and achieve. Dont ask me why im feeling this way cause if i know i would solve it. Haiz i really hate this. Fcuk it im going to bed.
So you have a DATE?
So you have a DATE?
Wednesday, December 2
Finally everything is submitted today. Now all we gotta do is study for psychology and cmath. Oh were making a movie for MOS! aint that cool or what. okay im exaggerating, not a movie but more like a short video clip. Were still brainstorming on that one. Looks like my holidays gonna be burnt but im kinda excited cause we are the ones acting/directing/shooting/editing. lol. we'll just see how its gonna turn out.
I suddenly caught a flu/headache today in school. Had a hard time doing work but its all worth it. Thank you god for granting my wish. :)
Shes like a song played over again and again.
I suddenly caught a flu/headache today in school. Had a hard time doing work but its all worth it. Thank you god for granting my wish. :)
Shes like a song played over again and again.
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