Yesterday night was gereeeeeek!! Met my dickies at 6 and made our way down to ECP. We got lost trying to go to east coast park since we wanted to go by the nearest way to the bicycle shop. We reached and asked the guy what time they close and he said 9. It was 8.30 so we went for a quick dinner at burger king before getting our bicycles. I swear it was very uncomfortable at first. Maybe im not used to riding a bicycle after riding bike. Nevertheless we all soon got comfortable with it and were racing/pushing each other. At first we didnt have any motive of where to go but we made a decision and planned to just cycle till we reach a dead end. So off we go and we thought were just covering east cost but soon we ventured till changi and eventually reached changi village!
Look at the distance travelled! Fug i myself cant belive we cycled that far. Okay it might not seem far to some of you but it is to us and the fact that were not fit makes it seem further. There is a long stretch beside the changi international airport which all of us call 'the never ending path'. Its like your in a nightmare where you cycle and cycle but you feel like your just doing the same thing all over again. Total distance of just that stretch was 7km. Oh we cycled to OCH(old changi hospital) too just have abit of fun. When we reached there there was a group of guys(around 8) and 3 girls. Best thing is those 3 girls didnt know those guys. Were they that stupid to go to a place like that with a group of guys wearing mini skirts and heels! Could have been raped or some shit. Dumb bitches. The group asked us if were going in and if they could join. Should have said no cause it wasnt scary anymore. Freakin wasted our time. After that we chill out to take a break and have some snacks before making our tiring journey back. Everyone was quiet on the way back as energy levels are already on reserve. Reached ECP at around 5am, returned the bicycles and went to have breakfast at macs. You dont know how freakin good it feels to sit at mac's chair after a long ride! It feels so darn good! Everyones butt and legs were sore. At one point of time all of us just sit and stare, at nothing. All blank. And everytime either one of us sat down we made the 'aaaah' sound. hahah didnt know sitting can also make a guy high. lol. Made our way home after that. At the point my body touch my bed it really felt like heaven. Literally! Overall it was an awesome day, good plans, good company and what an adventure. Pictures next!

Oh and btw im going off to KL from tomorow till sunday. :D

break time.

changi village!

never ending path.

My dickies!
new year is getting near, what will the outcome be?