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Tuesday, December 21
Monday, December 20
Tuesday, December 7

Make Model-
Honda CBR 400RR
Liquid cooled, four stroke, transverse four cylinder, DOHC, 4 valve per cylinder.
Bore x Stroke-
55 x 42 mm
Compression Ratio-
4x 26mm Flat-side CV
Ignition / Starting-
Transistorized / electric
Max Power-
59 hp @ 12500 rpm
Max Torque-
6.44 kg-m @ 10000 rpm
Transmission / Drive-
6 Speed / chain
Front Suspension-
Telescopic forks adjustable preload.
Rear Suspension-
Showa gas/oil shock with adjustable preload and compression
Front Brakes-
2x 275mm discs 4 piston calipers
Rear Brakes-
Single 220mm disc 2 piston caliper
Front Tyre-
Rear Tyre-
162 kg
Fuel Capacity-
14.5 Litres
Sunday, November 28
Im sorry
From the start i told myself id never give up. But even the strongest dimond can break. I tried to be strong in front of you. To give you the confidence and to give you the motivation to persevere but i dont know how long i can handle this. I cant cheer myself up everytime you throw a tantrum at me. Sometimes i want you to be the one who cheer me up and make me smile. Sometimes i just want you. Im clueless in what i should do. What i should change. How to make you truely happy. I wonder if im the cause of all these. If you would be happier without me? Will you?
It takes alot of courage to type this out as ive been keeping this in me all these while. I dont want to let you know that im not as strong as how you think i am but i must let this out somewhere and the only place i know is here. I know someday you'll read this but please dont think that your useless and such. Maybe it could be me who cant make you smile. Have you ever considered that when you type all those words at your blog? Im sorry for not being there when you need me the most and im sorry i couldnt make you genuinely smile all these while. I never want to lose you but this has to stop. Im afraid i cant hold on much longer. It hurts when the person i love is sad but it truely hurts a lot more knowing i didnt make her genuinely happy and all these while its just a plastered smile.
Please god help us.
Thursday, October 14
Basically sit at home and texted love. Did afew exercises after quite some time. Its time i start pumping up again. Well something happened in the afternoon. I was playing the com when some number called me. When i picked it up guess who it was, b's mum! Freak i was trying my best not to sound nervous or anything. She asked me if im fetching love tomorow cause if i fetch love then she'll just stay at home. I told her i'll definitly be fetching love home and dont worry about anything. That was some scary shits man. Facing her parents is wayy scarier then facing some mats. Hope her mum have a good impression of me after being called sombong! grrr your gonna tell her that its your fault eh b! hmph!
oh and guess what? I passed my subpaper! WAD and DBIS! I am so so glad i got through it! I had a feeling i failed but thank god i didnt. Dane helped me with WAD and i really owe him one. Thanks dude! DBIS subpaper was harder but luckily i managed to passed. Im a happy happy dudee!
B quickly come back! I fuckin miss you already! <3
Wednesday, October 13
"First of all, Happy 20th Birthday Love! <3
Vivo. Karate Kid. Marina@Keppel. Anchorvale. Today is an Adventure day for us. Sorry love to make you walk so far. It kinda spoilt the day. Heheh, Next time dont ask me to decide anything okay? But it’s kinda fun since you piggyback me :D
Dear Mr Boyfriend,
I hope you enjoyed today and most of all, the gifts. Especially the scrapframe cause I did my best. Heheh though i think it didnt turned out that nice. Oh well, I hope you like the wallet too cause You freaking need a new wallet! I just want you to know that you’ve been the greatest boyfriend ever who truly appreciate me. Do you know how cute/sweet/caring/etccccc you are? I cant forget your tears of joy. Im surprised/shocked but at the same time, I feel so happy that you like the gift. And you got to be the best thing that happened in my life. Love you dear. Forever and always! ♥"
Tuesday, October 12
Monday, October 11
So alone i was over at the shop. Luckily brought my computer with me or i'll be dead bored. Oh and something happened! I was in the store searching for a tricycle when suddenly the pole which held ladders, rims, tyres etc just gave way! best part is on top of my head! fuck now my head hurts but the good thing is, i know what earthquake feels like, i guess? xD went home straight and called love. it was great to hear her voice but we had to put down early since a 1 minute call would cost 4 bucks. I want to have small talks each day so we could talk every single day till she comes back. Shes not replying and i hope shes okay. Im worried for her knowing im not there if anything happens. haiz take care of yourself b <3
Sunday, October 10
The rest of the day is damn boring. Took care of the shop alone cause one of the part timers paitau. Not bad if there is a laptop. I was basically stoning throughout. Nearly slept lah even. Went home immediatly and waited for love to be online. She went online but the connection over there is fcuked up! Still love is being so sweet and called me to tell me she gaved up on the internet. damn you b for being so sweet when you know its gonna make me miss you more! I know your reading this and i know your smiling like a retard but im so gonna pinch you when you come back! grrr!
Saturday, October 9
So here im gonna start about what happened today. Hmm to be honest nothing? Went home from msia at around 1+ to 2pm. Reached home and just slacked till around 7pm. Dad called and asked me to get ready to go to one of my uncles open house. Went there after quite some time. I kinda miss them. Got to know one of my cousins just had an accident. Thank god he is fine. He just suffered a fractured hand but his bike is totaled. First thing accident check bike. Standarddd. hahah!
Talking about bikes, im saving up like mad just so that i could upgrade to a bigger one. I just hope the bike is in mint condition so it wont create any problems. Now i just want to save save and save somemore! Okay enough about bikes. Lets get back to what happened today.
Take care over there b! I know that you know that i miss you and i love you <3
Friday, October 8
Heres a brief summary of what i did today. Went out at 11am and met dad at JB shell. Parked my bike at his house and we proceeded to the shop. Im suppose to go there to work but well i basically did nothing the whole freakin day. Went online, facebook, played games, listen to music. It was damn boring but the fact that i get paid to basically relax was kinda nice. I just want to work as much as possible so i could get my RVF before my first year with love. I want to go out with her using that bike! hehs i hope i get to do that.
Love went online at around 11plus but i was out cause dad and his workmates wanted to have supper and discuss about business propositions. haiz i really wanted to chat with love so bad since at night is usually our chatting time and i miss her right now. I'll be in spore tomorow so i hope love will be free and we could talk for awhile just so that i could hear her voice.
Your voice is all i want to hear right now <3
Thursday, October 7
Sunday, August 15
Thursday, August 5
Wednesday, June 23
Okay recently had an outing with the dickies and shikin to sentosa! It was a so called 'last' outing before asy head in to camp. Someone becoming a man already! hehs. Nice weather, played monopoly deal, daidi, soccer and just swim! Met love after that and went to have supper at jalan kayu. Love finally get to meet my dickies! hehs its been awhile and she ought to get to know them. It was a blasting day no doubt!
Sunday, June 20
Guess what? Im twenty! damn it i feel old seh. No more teens at the back. hehs but to think of it, its kinda cool growing up and such. Anyways i wanna give a big shoutout to every single one of you that wished me by facebook, twitter etc. Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate the thought! :)
So more about my celebration. Love booked me for the whole day. hehs it was the first time she planned everything out and i am so proud of her. She decided to head down by public so we did. It was time we got off the bike and travel by other transport. Well i'll just summarize it, we went to vivo, watch karate kid(was a good movie though the storyline was expected), went to marina at keppel bay, got my presents specially made by love and finally to anchorvale to end the day. It was the best birthday ever! ^^
Saturday, June 5
I really dont know what i said/do that suddenly sparked the doubts. I thought everything was fine in the afternoon. My heart was on cloud nine when i saw the smile so wide on your face. The both of us were so happy. You said you couldnt make me happy, but why was i feeling so happy and high? It was because of you. It was all you. It was because we got through the darkest times in our relationship, together. You made me apprechiate life as it is, happy and cheerful, living a care free life. You mean the world to me Umairah. I will never give up on our love and on us. Your my dream girl. Belive it love.
Our hearts are glued into one. Yours and mine, together. Forever.
Friday, May 28
Thursday, May 20
Thursday, May 13
Saturday, May 1
Right now everything is going perfectly for us and i wish id stay this way forever! Well started the day early since we did'nt want to get caught in the afternoon heat. Picked love up at 10 and went to vivo straight. Had breakfast at bk before went for a hunt for love's jacket. After thorough searching we found one at topshop. Spent a longgggg time there before finally making a decision of which jacket to buy. Finally i got her a proper leather jacket she could wear. Better take good care of it okay love? I want to see you wearing it all the time tau. No more borrowing your friends jacket or complaining its cold ehh :D
Then we had youghurt ice cream at some shop quite similar to frolic. Not bad uh. They can challenge frolic. Feel like working there since the workers were playing uno lah for godness sake! shiok or what work like that. grrr.
After that, it was Ironman 2! Not the best marvel movie ive seen but its worth the watch. An action packed movie with a little bit of romantic scene near the end. hehs it was damn funny cause all around us were little kids and toddlers and when they kissed, all the kids went eeewww. cuteee! hahaha! Well after that we didnt really had plans so we went to ate at secret recipe. Not bad uh the cakes. Couldnt finish since we were both still full. Then we finally head off to mount faber park to spend some quality time there <3
It was a perfect day. Everything was as planned. It didnt rain, it wasnt too hot, i didnt get fined. hehs im smiling so wide right now ^^
We wanted to take lotsa pics but was too busy having fun till we forgot. Well luckily i got one picture. hehs she got so excited when she saw a boat moving. xD

We started april with arguments and fights but ended it with our hearts ignite.
Monday, April 26
Oh and guess what? i joined DK barat already! lol its just for the fun of it. Some of the cca's that i joined will be dragonboat, soccer, hockey, floorball, DK barat and some outdoor activity thing. hahah my main focus will be dragonboat. kinda like rowing after i went for the reggata training but didnt managed to participate due to work. :/
fug assignments are already started to pile up even on the first week of school. wahh give us a break lah please. crazy ass school. Anyways ive set my goals and targets this year and im working hard to achieve it. Gotta always remind myself not to be lazy already. Gotta meet the targets!
Oh this saturday is a special day! Why? Saturday marks the first which will be our fourth. hehs four months with that irritating girl. okay okay enough i shall save some when i update again on saturday :)
Saturday, April 17
My friends say I'm a fool to think that you're the one for me
I guess I'm just a sucker for love
'Cuz honestly the truth is that you know I'm never leavin'
'Cuz you're my angel sent from above
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you a little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise, my dear, put nothin' above ya, above ya
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
People try to tell me but I still refuse to listen
'Cuz they don't get to spend time with you
A minute with you is worth more than
A thousand days without your love
Oh your love, ohhh
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you a little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong (belong)
Just stay right here
I promise, my dear, put nothin' above ya, above ya (ohhh)
My heart is blind, but I don't care
'Cuz when I'm with you, everything has disappeared
And everytime I hold you near
I never wanna let you go (ohhh)
You should know this song is from who. Its exactly how i feel right now.
Monday, April 12
I cant wait for school to start and also this saturday! Meeting my cousin in the noon before a soccer match at night. Finally some action. Need to start jogging to get my stamina back again not to mention exercising. I gotta get back in shape! damn it.
Fug gotta get ready for work now. I wonder what can i eat today..
Sunday, April 11
Met love last night and cleared everything out. Im happy everything turned out the way i hoped it would be. Our love was tested and we passed with flying colours. ^^
I learnt alot from what happened and i understand love even better now. We still have alot to learn from each other. Theres no rush since we have the whole future together. We shall learn each other's flaws a step at a time, together. I love you dear, with all my heart and i'll never let our love be a memory.
Thursday, April 8
Played the slapping slapping game and daytona at arcade which ash lost in both. confident kapee manual menang. hahah that was fun. Slacked at the fullerton coffee bean before heading off. After that ash went home so me and yirui just sat down at the nearest coffee shop to talk. Poured out everything and it really helped alot. Thanks alot Ah Mah! :D