Its the 13th of october 2010! Its love's birthday!

hees at last someone turned 18 today! Like finally we could watch movies without worrying about it being rated M18. A year older and definitly a year wiser. Too bad shes at cambodia now and we have to delay her celebration to this saturday. I hope she enjoys herself on that day.
Do you remember this sayang?
"First of all, Happy 20th Birthday Love! <3
Vivo. Karate Kid. Marina@Keppel. Anchorvale. Today is an Adventure day for us. Sorry love to make you walk so far. It kinda spoilt the day. Heheh, Next time dont ask me to decide anything okay? But it’s kinda fun since you piggyback me :D
Dear Mr Boyfriend,
I hope you enjoyed today and most of all, the gifts. Especially the scrapframe cause I did my best. Heheh though i think it didnt turned out that nice. Oh well, I hope you like the wallet too cause You freaking need a new wallet! I just want you to know that you’ve been the greatest boyfriend ever who truly appreciate me. Do you know how cute/sweet/caring/etccccc you are? I cant forget your tears of joy. Im surprised/shocked but at the same time, I feel so happy that you like the gift. And you got to be the best thing that happened in my life. Love you dear. Forever and always! ♥"
You gave me such a wonderful birthday and i pray that i can return the favour to you. I just hope i wont dissapoint you again this time. All i want is for you to enjoy the day, put aside your worries and be as happy as a girl can be. Dear god let that day be a smooth one. Please grant me this wish, if not for me, for her. Thanks god!
Okay im getting excited just thinking of it. hee! :D
I basically didnt do anything today so theres nothing much to update about. I slacked at home, did some exercise to tone up and thats it. Eventhough i got to her love shouting like mad due to a lizard, im glad i did. I miss her so much right now and the feeling of hugging her is so strong. Haiz i hope she comes back quickly and safely.
I love you baby <3