Yessa! Had a beach soccer tournament yesterday. We rode to vivo and hell i hate the parking there. like got a thousand bikes seh. Quickly took the orange bus since we were late(due to sree). Registered bla bla bla and there goes the tournament! Heres our final stats: 3wins, 1draw, 1 lose. We nearly got into the semi's if it wasnt for goal difference! Not fair lah since the team that got through got a walk over. And when you get a walk over you get 3 goals for free. -.- but its okay. The team that got through was a friends team so i wasnt really pissed on it. Guess what? They won the tournament! Congrats to them! Oh and did i say the sand was extreamly hot at one point of time, till we were basically dancing in the court! I swear we were all sitting down when the ball is out of play. We cant even play soccer lah for goodness sake! But luckily it was just for 1 match. After that i wished that it would rain and it did drizzle! Thanks god! ^^ Well to our team, we fought a good match, scored some good goals and played some good soccer. Most importantly, we enjoyed ourselves. That is an experience to remember. :)
After the tournament, we went to swim and freakin hell all of our legs hurt due to injuries. When our legs go into the sea water fuhhh. The pain can numb your legs! But we had fun splashing around and doing flips or somersaults. Decided to head off when all of us were tired. Went to wash up and then decided to have dinner at the interchange at vivo. Mee kuah! My fav when i eat there.
We then went to my house to wait for asy to end his bbq while farhan watched his hindustan movie. -.- dont know what so good about hindustan. Picked asy up and head to ash's house. Guess what? The match between man u and arsenal is on monday morning! Baik ash! So we decided to go for supper at sembawang before sending all of them off and home afterwards. What a tired but awesome day indeed. Shall wait for the outing to msia. Thats definitly gonna be a hell of a blast. Pictures to make this long post more colorful!

Rauf sleeping like a pig at my house. Ash smack him with a pillow so many times still never wake up! Pour water then wake up. haiyo rauf rauf.

Farhan ngan hp dier. Matairrrrrrr. kekeke.

'Meditating' before the match starts.

The one that burried me. lol.

Washing up. Ash's butt fuhhh. xD
Cover nampak? hahah!

Sembunyiii! wakaka!
I feel so evil taking their pics while they were bathing. Muahahaa! Wanted to put one more pic but due to pitty for farhan i shall not. hahah!
Last but not least,

You mean alot to me. Do you feel the same way too?