THE MOVIE MARATHON.i was so ready for the movie marathon yest.i went out of the house at 6.50 and reached amk mrt at ard 7.10. ashraf was there and he was agitated just because we're late.i came late also because i knw sree would be late.or else im always on time.ashraf even wanted to run when sree came.crazzy ah?! i dont wanna sweat and watch a movie marathon.eeiii so uncomfortable.
actually do u knw why ashraf was agitated?? it is because he wanted to meet diviya(the girl he love) and she said must come on time lahh,cannot wear jeans and all so we 'must' listen or else ashraf would be angry.hahah.he'll scold me if he reads this.
back to the story,when we reach there,the AVT was full sehh! we didnt expect so many we booked our seat at the back and was so noisy sehh.i was so damn high that i was disturbin anyone and anything that amuses me.even teacher i disturb! haha! funn sehh.
the first movie starts but everyone were still chitt we cant hear very well.but who cares,the movie suck anyway.okayy,heres the listing of the 7 movies they show.error in my last post.sorry!
1.daddy daycare
3.goal 2
6.night of the museum
7.mean girls
daddy daycare-it was boring lahh.we cant hear tt well cause everyones talking.the show wasnt even funny.
alone-alone was the bomb! it was the best show of the night! everytime the ghost came out we shouted like girls! halve way thru the show we decided to shout with our manly voice! funny sehh! imagine guys shouting in horror with their voice.haha kecohh! but seriously it made us awake.
goal 2-goal 2 was quite boring cause there was alot of we went to the stall they set up which cn buy stuffs and ate.sree why is the mee on the floor? x)
maid-me and sree watched the show already so we didnt want to watch it anymore.we sat out side and chit-chatt about alot of stuff.and we talked alottt.
secret-secret was some jay-chow movie so all the non malays didnt watch.we went to the other room to talk talk.they were showing pursuit of happiness in the other room and ashraf wanted to watch it but me and sree purposely let him watch alone cause diviya was there.
the convo between me,sree and diviya.
sree-diviya,u boring ah?
sree-do u want some entertainment?
diviya-pauses and think for a while and *nodd
sree-u knw my fren ashraf? he's in the other room.he's very entertaining lahh.u can sit beside him for some entertainment.
me-ya serious go sit beside him go go*whispering
sree-u knw he made us came to this movie marathon just because he wanna meet u.
diviya-huh? really? *smile2
me-ya! when we said we didnt want to go he was angry and scolded us.he really wants us to ome cause if we didnt go,he would go and then he wouldnt get to meet u.
diviya-*smile2 wider
me-u go sit beside him lahh.he very shy wanna sit beside u.he's waiting for the moment.
diviya-what moment?
me-ermm..the right moment?
diviya-ohh okayy.then whos gonna take care of the stall?
me&sree-dont worry we can take care of it.we swear to god/mother/father/gradfather/gradmother that we wont steal.
diviya-can i trust u all nt?
me&sree-ya dont worry we swear we wont steal ready right?
diviya-ohh okayy.*went to go sit beside ashraf.
me&sree-power lahh! mission accomplish! hahah!
okayy that was how it went but ashraf didnt make the move.he just sat there like a paralyzed idiot! argghh we were scolding him after the show ends.haiyoo ashraf.just go for her lahh what are u waiting for?? wanna shy shy.haiyoo.
night of the museum-at first i thought tt show was crappy but then it end up to be a nice show! me and sree left ashraf to sit with diviya and we sat on the front row seat.we were engrossed in the show where else 80% of the ppl in the AVT were sleeping! and we didnt sleep throughout the movie marathon knw!
mean girls-we didnt want to watch it cause its a crappy we went home earlier.we had a drink in the nearby coffeeshop then we went home.
when i reach home,i bathed and straight went to bed.i was so tired that i slept frm 8am-2pm.haha what a fun are the pics we got.we didnt have much as we cant snap pics in the AVT due to the darkness.
toilet 'grooming' ourselfs! haha.

mat flat sleeping on the floor.
awaiting for a certain someone to talk to sree.