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Saturday, February 23
Wednesday, February 20
i had a soccer match on tuesday with the same ITE team that we challenged last week. apparently they wanted a rematch so that they could thrash us.opponents were rough and they played dirty as they know there are no official referee. we had someone to referee the game. someone who dont quite know the rules. the score at halve time was 3-3. we had alot of chances during the second halve but luck wasnt on our side.the score at full time was 5-4.we lost by a 1 goal margin. improvement! the last match we played against them,we lost 7-5. 2 goal margin. the next match we will win! hahah! well before the soccer match i recived a belated valentines choc from nazura! it was a mini mars bar! thanks nazura! :D i really cant remember when the last time i ate a mars bar and when i got to eat it,i forgot it taste so good! just that you need a glass of water with that.haha!
the choc that made me high! :D
today i went sch with bruises and scratches all over the left side of my body.i was limping the whole time during PE lesson. good thing is math test is postponed to tomorow! the deadline for D&T is also tomorow.die! kk i better stop blogging and start studying! will be posting again soon! :D
Sunday, February 17
kumar & ilias!
giler punyer setaaan!
Library bebeh!
tido kal?
crow bebe=Mastura 6th
Thursday, February 14
i really did'nt expect anything from anyone. eventhough it seemed like a small gift but i apprechiate it much! thanks Ainul! :D
school was stressed up as we had two test. physics and D&T. eng was postponed to friday thanks to Miss Lee! school ended at 2. i went straight home after that. slept a while and woke up at 3.45.i got ready and went out.
before going out i recived a msg from kiki. she said she wanted to give me something. so she asked me to meet her at cheers. i saw here waiting with her friend. and guess what she gave me?
this! a large bar of cadbury hazelnut choc!
wohoo! i was like shocked sehh. how to eat this infront of public?? haha! thanks Kiki! and need i say the chocs was good? :D
we then part and i made my way to town. i was suppose to meet sheyra at 5. as usual i was on time but SHE WAS LATE! as usual girls.im used to it though thanks to another friend of mine. hahah. while waiting i walked around and ate the chocs kiki gave me. people must think im that hungry to eat a whole choc bar all to myself. lol. well anyways she came soon after. we talk ALOT and i really mean ALOT. took some pics and then made our way home at around 9.30. i really had a great time with this girl here! lets go out again some other time aite? :D
Monday, February 11
Sunday, February 10
the match started and the game begins. i didnt get into the action much in the first halve cause i didnt get much of the ball. i was kinda frustrated by it but when i got the ball, i opened the score sheet by scoring the first goal. few mins later farhan placed a nice flick over the keeper after a good chest of the ball. then after that a team mate of mine crossed the ball. i was standing behind the keeper waiting for a tap in, but the keeper got it. fortunatly for me he spilled the ball and i headed in using my face. haha. painful goal i must say. the score at halve time is 3-0.
second halve was when the goals poured in. we scored and scored like as though we were playing with a kids team.hahah. not to insult them but their defence was badd. not only blaming the defence but their keeper too. this is byfar the biggest win we had.score at full time is 9-1. great game i must say. now i need to rest to heal my right thigh. its been aching since last tuesday's match.
i got word from the captain that tuesday's rematch is post poned to 19 feb. next next tuesday.damnn. i was so ready for the match. well anyway trainings gonna be great too. as long as i get to play soccer,im happy. the end. (:
what? you cant blame me for getting ready to take a pic right?

Thursday, February 7

Tuesday, February 5
although we lost the soccer match, we had lots of fun playing. opponents were great. unlike other teams we've challenged, they didnt find fault or any sort. surprisingly that is.i was expecting an intense match but it turns out to be a relaxed match.a fun match. the score at full time was 7-5.
we did'nt play well during the first halve.we conceded 5 goals and scored 2. well the first halve we didnt play the full team. i was the referee for the first halve. i wanted to play at first but Mr Din did'nt let me. cause im sick and i might just faint during the game.
Monday, February 4
well anyway because of yesterday's match,i was SICK today. arghh i hate being sick. i woke up in the morning with an aching head. as though someone just whack my head with a wooden plank.
in school i was shivering the whole day. even with my jacket on. during recess i decided i want to head home and have a good rest. i went home and immediatly take 2 pills of panadol and before i knew it, i was in dreamland. i was awaken by a call from sree. he called to check on me. thanks bitch! haha. well guess what, i looked at the time and it was roughly around 3.30. wow i cant belive i slept for so long.4 hours just like that. even so i was still tired and went back to sleep till around 4.30. here i am using the com just thinking if i should go to school tomorow. should i? or should i just stay at home? well theres a match tomorow but i dont think i can play due to my condition. i could just faint halveway through the match. hmm i'll just see if im well tomorow. if not i'll just play one halve or just be a spectator. even my boots are still wet due to yesterday's match.
aite i think i wanna go to bed again cause my head is just aching! take care people!
lesson learnt today: dont play in the rain! (p.s sorry for not listening to you)