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Monday, February 4

yesterday's match was okayy. although we lost 8-6,i was satisfied with the way i play. i scored 1 and assist 2. well i could have score 2 but due to bad touch,i did'nt. :/
well anyway because of yesterday's match,i was SICK today. arghh i hate being sick. i woke up in the morning with an aching head. as though someone just whack my head with a wooden plank.

in school i was shivering the whole day. even with my jacket on. during recess i decided i want to head home and have a good rest. i went home and immediatly take 2 pills of panadol and before i knew it, i was in dreamland. i was awaken by a call from sree. he called to check on me. thanks bitch! haha. well guess what, i looked at the time and it was roughly around 3.30. wow i cant belive i slept for so long.4 hours just like that. even so i was still tired and went back to sleep till around 4.30. here i am using the com just thinking if i should go to school tomorow. should i? or should i just stay at home? well theres a match tomorow but i dont think i can play due to my condition. i could just faint halveway through the match. hmm i'll just see if im well tomorow. if not i'll just play one halve or just be a spectator. even my boots are still wet due to yesterday's match.

aite i think i wanna go to bed again cause my head is just aching! take care people!
lesson learnt today: dont play in the rain! (p.s sorry for not listening to you)