we tried our very best to study yesterday. everything was planned and we're off to the mac near amk central. me and farhan planned to study chemistry. at the same time ashraf wanted to finish up our D&T. 1.30p.m was the time set and as usual i was on time. both of them were late! i called a certain someone and his brother told me he was sleeping. goooood. his house is the nearest to the mac amonst all 3 of us. so now im guessing you know who it is. back to the story, i find a spot and sat down.took out my malay book and read. i know.this sound so unusual.me reading a book.but teacher said thats the only way to improve my malay. so no harm trying right? both of them came soon after and we started studying. ashraf ended up doing his math.halveway through studying chem i gave up and did my homework.well a portion of it that is. i end up eating ice cream cones one too many! haha! farhan sticked to his study plan. at 4,we were exhausted. farhan and i wanted to stop but ashraf insisted that he wants to finish up his tuition homework so we gave him more time but due to the heat and restlessness we were off to AMK HUB.
here are the photos taken at mac.

this guy took these photo's below
what? you cant blame me for getting ready to take a pic right?

im irritated with my fringe!

*farhan wondering when am i gonna get ready..

*jengjengjenggg!* there you go! (my fringe still isnt right) hahah!

this shows we're bored waiting for ashraf.

this on the other hand shows farhan urinating lahh what else! xD
walked around AMK HUB and ate ice jelly.bored we then proceed to play pool at funland. the pool table we got was beside the toilet and the toilet stinks! it emits a smell similar to a hamster's cage. you know the hamster's cage has a certain smell. so yeahh that kinda smell. wth sehh. someone killed a hamster in there or the guy ate a hamster and shitted it out. okayy HaiKaL talking crap.hahah. we did'nt have any other plans after playing pool so we head home.