okay this is gonna be quite a long post.where shall i start.hmm..okay. we took off on wed at around 8pm and made our way to someones house.idk whos house it is but we stayed there for 2 nights.

the mak's and bapak's.
mum took this photo when i was asleep. -.- just because she just bought a new 5mp handphone,everything also snap.
on thursday we went to Genting highlands.the cable car trip was cool! we were so high up and we were shouting to other cable car capsules.people looked at us like we were mad,but who cares! haha!

also the weather there was superbly wonderful! i think it was like less then 15 degrees.really cold due to a slight drizzle.luckily i have my trusty jacket or i think id freeze to death.we went to eat at the shopping centre before procceding to the theme park.

after eating we went to purchase the tickets and immediatly went into the theme first all of us wasnt in the mood due to extreamly long queues but after awhile we got used to it.we didnt have much time so we went for the best rides only. please lower down your volume as there are lots of hysterical laughing and mindless shouting.
this is just a view of the theme least part of it.
this is some tube ride which we took cause the line wasnt wasnt scary at all but it was quite fast.
a picture before the ride started.
throughout the ride i shouted for no reason till everyone was looking at me.hahah! thrill rating 3/10.
okay this is ride is called the corkscrew.the biggest rollercoaster at the theme park.

the whole group.look at the hazy background.colddd.
it dissapoint me cause i wasnt scared even when seating at the front.thrill rating 6.5/10.
this ride wasnt scary but super funny. we rode this mainly cause of my little cousin who wanted to ride it together.i didnt expect it to be a blast! my bro was sitting in front of me and my cousin.even before the ride started,we started kicking his it started.we kicked his chair throughout the was damn funny luh! he was like ' eh stop lah! jangan lah!' hahhaha! he even hit the person in front and the person also laughed. xD excitement rating 10/10
this ride was the one i was waiting for, the drop. this video is just a view from below.look how freaky it is!
it was awesome! was so high up you cant even see the ground due to the fog! then when it drop,fuh even the bravest person will have his balls up at this throat.a ride worth queuing for. thrill rating 10/10.
all of us were tired so we went to have dinner and back to the house.on friday we proceed to our hotel,the golden horse hotel.the presentation and design of the hotel is breathtaking.the toilet is super big! its like the size of my room lah. got bath tub and shower.3 person can use the toilet at once,or more.haha! it was fun bathing at the bath tub.i bathed for an hour plus. first time i bath that long.though the services wasnt that good.
the hall.
with nenek! our VIP.
later on we went shopping at petaling was quite fun bargaining with them. after bargaining the price was slashed till halve from 69 to 30. bought myself a wallet,watch,shoes and bag.i was quite satisfied but i still feel the need to buy something.same goes for the we went to shop again at some shopping centre and i bought my earpiece there.also we ate subway! since it was halal,all of us decided to dine there.
mum and my auntie.
you want some?
subway,eat fresh.
the food was delicious! ate 2 of the 1 foot sandwiches.very satisfying and filling.the we proceeded to masjid india.nothing much there but cousin bought watch and some shirts.on sunday we check out at 11am and reach home at 11pm.12 hours due to frequent stops to eat and im backkk! :D
okay this is gonna be quite a long post.where shall i start.hmm..okay. we took off on wed at around 8pm and made our way to someones house.idk whos house it is but we stayed there for 2 nights.

on thursday we went to Genting highlands.the cable car trip was cool! we were so high up and we were shouting to other cable car capsules.people looked at us like we were mad,but who cares! haha!
also the weather there was superbly wonderful! i think it was like less then 15 degrees.really cold due to a slight drizzle.luckily i have my trusty jacket or i think id freeze to death.we went to eat at the shopping centre before procceding to the theme park.

after eating we went to purchase the tickets and immediatly went into the theme first all of us wasnt in the mood due to extreamly long queues but after awhile we got used to it.we didnt have much time so we went for the best rides only. please lower down your volume as there are lots of hysterical laughing and mindless shouting.
this is just a view of the theme least part of it.
this is some tube ride which we took cause the line wasnt wasnt scary at all but it was quite fast.

throughout the ride i shouted for no reason till everyone was looking at me.hahah! thrill rating 3/10.
okay this is ride is called the corkscrew.the biggest rollercoaster at the theme park.

it dissapoint me cause i wasnt scared even when seating at the front.thrill rating 6.5/10.
this ride wasnt scary but super funny. we rode this mainly cause of my little cousin who wanted to ride it together.i didnt expect it to be a blast! my bro was sitting in front of me and my cousin.even before the ride started,we started kicking his it started.we kicked his chair throughout the was damn funny luh! he was like ' eh stop lah! jangan lah!' hahhaha! he even hit the person in front and the person also laughed. xD excitement rating 10/10
this ride was the one i was waiting for, the drop. this video is just a view from below.look how freaky it is!
it was awesome! was so high up you cant even see the ground due to the fog! then when it drop,fuh even the bravest person will have his balls up at this throat.a ride worth queuing for. thrill rating 10/10.
all of us were tired so we went to have dinner and back to the house.on friday we proceed to our hotel,the golden horse hotel.the presentation and design of the hotel is breathtaking.the toilet is super big! its like the size of my room lah. got bath tub and shower.3 person can use the toilet at once,or more.haha! it was fun bathing at the bath tub.i bathed for an hour plus. first time i bath that long.though the services wasnt that good.

later on we went shopping at petaling was quite fun bargaining with them. after bargaining the price was slashed till halve from 69 to 30. bought myself a wallet,watch,shoes and bag.i was quite satisfied but i still feel the need to buy something.same goes for the we went to shop again at some shopping centre and i bought my earpiece there.also we ate subway! since it was halal,all of us decided to dine there.

the food was delicious! ate 2 of the 1 foot sandwiches.very satisfying and filling.the we proceeded to masjid india.nothing much there but cousin bought watch and some shirts.on sunday we check out at 11am and reach home at 11pm.12 hours due to frequent stops to eat and im backkk! :D