First of all, i would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! a fresh year to start with.put the past behind and focus on the future. throw away negativity and challenge life with a positive attitude. i started my new year with a hell lot of enjoyment.went out with my friends to celebrate countdown.met up at vivo to have dinner then went to sentosa.

at first we thought of celebrating at the siloso party.but it had and age limit and mamun cant go we went to vivo's rooftop. countdown there and saw the fireworks from marina bay.

met some crazy chinese girls which did this to me. hahah! their group and us shouted and jumped around like mad least its better then the rest of the people who just stand like stones.might as well dont come for countdown.after the countdown ended,we decided to go to clark we were walking towards the mrt,we saw a cleaner just standing there looking at the crowd,so we decided to take a photo with him to cheer him up! hahah!

we wished him happy new year! and yknow what he replied? 'im from bangladesh.' like what does that got to do with the new year?? hahah!
at clark quey is where the fun really starts.when we reach there,there seem to have some we joined in the fun!

unfortunatly we came there too late cause they played only two songs and the performance ended.though after that, they blast music and everyone started dancing.
it was crazy! the mats were shuffling,ang mohs were jumping around and blowing the party thingys and the banglas were, just making a fool of themselves.yes banglas. alot of them were there and they danced like gays! super lembut(soft,lady like).all of us couldnt stand but laugh at them.shamala joined us soon afterwards.after a while we decided to go to a real club.walked around for a while but the prices arent really in our budget.we continued searching till we reached boat then we were too tired so we stopped.had some instant noodles and chill out at the riverside.

the views are seriously nice.especially at night under the moonlight.with music and the cool breeze,it is the best place to chill out and chit chat.

so thats what we did for like 2 hours. we talked about secondary school life was like a recap of 2008.all the funny and sad was a great chat.thinking back all the things that happend during sec school life.

after awhile our butts were aching and all of us were we decided to head off.had plans to eat at mac but canceled.shamala wanted to get home by cab so we dropped at raffles to find for a was freaking hard to get one.she had to call for a cab to come and we waited for around 30mins or more.

by the time the sun had rise and it was already 7 plus.slept in the cab till reached home at around 8.bathed then sleep.woke up at 3,got ready and went to work.i can still feel the fatigue from all that dancing and walking.luckily work today wasnt hectic.there wasnt much people cause i think they went countdown too and couldnt wake up.haha! also there was one cute little boy.he is so fat that he couldnt fit the baby chair! hahah! if only i could hug him,i'll never let go! hahaha! and and i got my pay! wooo! im gonna treat my parents to seoul garden next week.
results are coming up soon and i really hope i do well enough to make it into a poly.i sure hell aint going to ITE.if i wanna go to ITE i could have graduated from ITE by now.oh well,i'll just pray hard and hope everything turns out as planned.
oh ya,watch YES MAN! its a really good show.had lots of laugh watching it with kiki on tuesday. a humorous movie with a touch of romance.rating 8.5/10. okay end of blogging.i got work tomorow.12 to 10.tskk. on the brighter side i got a soccer match on saturday! wooo! its soccer time! :D