we celebrated wen hua's birthday last wednesday at sentosa.met opposite school to get his cake then off to sentosa by cab.reach there,settle down and played beach volleyball,soccer and basically just run around wild.imagine immediatly after playing soccer,we jump into the water.okay to be specific,cold water.because of that,our bodies cramp up one by one.hahah! stayed overnight when most had to go off.reminder:bring a jacket and a long pants when overnighting at sentosa again.i couldnt sleep due to the cold lah.so we burnt whatever that could be burn.made a so called camp fire.then after that we procceded home by WALKING from palawan beach to vivo.fug lah it was so far.took us an hour plus till we reach vivo.after that home sweet home.
the pictures are not in order.cant be bothered to arrange all.sorryy!

tired legs otw home.

shafiq sleeping.

mamun yawning,sree dreaming.

look at how big the fire is.we burnt anything that we see.and i mean anything.

from hotdogs to candles,paper plates to nuggets.

just a couple of gays and some sleepyheads.

the orange choc cake was nice but we were too full to finish it up.

the headless sree and the cramped up mamun.

roasted marshmellow!

mamun blur,shafiq giler.

peace no war!

look at how long it can stretch! i bet you feel like having one right now. :D

enduring the winter coldd.

playing cards.

"we are spartan!"

look! issit a square? issit a rectangle? no its b**bies!




peace no war.


Asyrani with his hands pointing to ASY!

act cute.

fierce tak menjadi.

fierce tak menjadi part 2.


lovie dovie couple.

aww so sweet.

advertisement for the sliced ham and idk what wine.

campfire with bday boy(3rd from right).

us with professional world renowed model asyrani.

kids in action.

the campfire was too amusing till we took lots of photos with it.

brothers till the end.
more pictures to be updated soon.
after sleeping for just 2hours plus.woke up and went to ssdc for my prac 1.it was kinda scary at first but after getting used to it,it was fun! rode it round and round.all of us there gotta retake prac 1 and i dont know why.i think we did well,just that they want money.idiot.oh well next prac is on sunday! gotta prepare and refresh my memory.
"nenek! basikal mane?"