This dicky still can say, 'who's the man?'. hahah they will never change. Well im glad he was discharge from TTSH on sat evening. Take care uh beb. Kau nak kite teman kau gi appointment call je. Aku make sure aku free utk turon.
That night had a BBQ birthday party for rahman at pasir ris. Finally turned 20 on sunday. Miss playing soccer with this guy. Always looking out for us no matter what. Wanted to post the bday pics but still havent recive them.
In order; sree, ali, rahman.
Once again Happy 20th birthday uh rahman. Wish you all the best in life and ride safely. Made our way home at 4 and reach home at 5 after sending them back. A really tired day indeed.
Work today was unexpectedly fun. Manager was being sarcastic to me cause she ask me to extend but i couldnt due to assignments. All the way sia she sarcastic. grr luckily she my manager, if not i disturb back alraedy. Oh im getting good at it already. Gonna move on to making expresso soon. Pressureeeee but with colleagues like this, it'll be a blast. :D
Touch her again and its the last thing you do.