As i expect it to be very touching, it dissapoints. I mean it is touching at some point but not to the extent of crying. I find it a more entertaining movie rather then a sad one. Maybe to some its a sad movie, depends on the individual really.
Basiclly the movie is showing the truth of what is happening in the real world. Of why innocent people are harmed just because of a bunch of mindless ass people going around bombing places. Its a very sad story but khan's role of being a retard(he really is) makes it funny. Eventhough he's a retard, he is a genius in fixing and remembering. How i wish i have his memory sia. Fuhh everything ace!
Well overall i give the show an 8/10 for a good storyline and also not forgetting the good acting. I hate the movie theater though. Freakin uncomfortable and the seat is too low. You cant rest your head very well without slouching. Maybe im too tall lah. *ehem* heheh. Cinema(gv J8) rating 5/10.
Send that irritating girl home since she must 'study'. Right now she assumes that shes studying but i bet she'll doze off soon. Confirm one. And after she reads this she will chat/text me saying she really did study but well, god knows the truth. Am i right my dear? :P
Ahh shit i gotta go to school tomorow to show my lecturer some stuffs. Also working at 5 till closing again. zzz god can i have money without working? pleaseee? :/
Just so you know, your smell beats any perfume out there.