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Sunday, March 28
hmm next week's getting busier and busier. To top that i got a job at Fish & co! ^^ wait i think i got it? but maybe still trial or something? dont know lah eh but im starting on monday. i cant wait to be a waiter! wohoo! :D
today cousin came over to help clear everything in my room. found some old toys that i really loved and i figured i shall keep it. memories of my childhood flood my mind everytime i see it. my fav power rangers megazord toy has been given off to my lil cousin. thats the first toy i fell in love with. until i slept with it and talk to it know! haha i really miss it but i guess i shall share it with him since he love playing with it so much. everytime he comes to my house, 'uncle! nak megazord!' aint that cute? hehs happy playing with it little guy. also my tamiya will forever be with me. those fast lil cars have been my life during childhood. id not eat and save up just to modify them. still remember i won a prize after taking part in the competition. i wonder when the tamiya craze is coming again. i shall warm up those engines and give it a round. miss those times.
i was busy with work. i didnt even have time for my break thats why i didnt managed to text you. and whats up with the ec and the syg? talk to me please.
Tuesday, March 23
Monday, March 22

Oh talking about work, me and my collegues went to catch a movie last two weeks if im not wrong? Watched cop out. The movie was great lah! A must watch! It was hilarious to the max! hahaha the negro guy damn funny. xD To all who havent watch, go and quickly watch it! Well we wanted to go and bowl after that but the bowling alley was full so we went shopping! Bought myself pants and a long sleeve shirt ^^

Alsoooo im gonna shift house soon. Mum nagging at me asking me to pack and stuffs. Haiyo so troublesome. How i wished i got psychic powers to move things with my mind. Then things would be so much easier. Oh gonna temporarily stay at punggol and then shift back to amk. I just hope the neighbours there are nice people. Eh i think i should sleep now since im working tmrw. okay then nights people!
Thursday, March 18
Saturday, March 13
Anyways we decided to cancel seoul garden and watch movie since love ate already in the morning. Watched the green zone show then off home since love had to reach home quick. Grr love purposely didnt give me enough kisses cause she just wanna see if i can stand it or not -.- Irritatingggg. Sumore people watch movie she sleep! Haiyo this girl ehh. Oh and love had a hard time wearing the new helmet cause the cushion is thick and her head is too big xD Well she finally managed to wear it with my help. Looks good on her compared to the previous helmet. hehe glad you love your new shiny helmet! So shiny that i couldnt even see your eyes when i talk to you. Better take good care of it okayy? And better think of something to get for yourself on our next date! I will get something for you and dont argue with me cause your promised already! :D
parrot kepale chocolate, i will EAT YOU UP the next time we meet! ^^
Friday, March 12
EVO RS959 beb! ^^
Weeee tomorow we're going IT fair! Mainly because my brother just got himself a freakin IPHONE!! Not that i wanna get one for myself tomorow but yeah im still jealous. So were going tomorow just to take a look and see whats in store but if the crowds too big then i think i'll just pass. Will be considering having lunch at Seoul garden too depending on our stomachs ^^
Oh oh! Look at this drink! I made it special know got smiley face! xD
Its my own special recipe. Trust me its freakin nice! Pure double choc + black forest vanilla + white choc powder + smiley face= masterpiece! i call it 'The drink that makes you smile' :D Cool right? Well thats not the only drink i made, i made another drink but that one is the 'rejected' drink uh. Every single powder is used including nutty delight and green tea. Both the not nice/smelly powder. Dont know how people drink it. Anyways yeah i drank a sip and nearly vomitted sia! Then i dared my collegue to drink the whole thing and if he managed to do that i'll treat him 5bucks to lunch and guess what? He managed to drink it! But after that eyes all read then spit here spit there. hahah funny uh.
Oh and manager asked me to go to forum CB to take something, went there and some chinese botak guy gave me 2 marlboro ciggs and say ' you my bro ah! remember ah remember!' -.- why the hell does everyone think i smoke siaaaa. fug lah i hate the smell of ciggs and furthermore its a waste of money. Might as well modify my bike or treat love to something. I know lah i look like mat but not all mat smoke know. haiyoo but good also lah, i gave my collegue the ciggs teros member happy. hahah!
The closer you get, the faster my heart beats.
Monday, March 8
Now i know how desperate people can get. Like seriously. Till the extend of trying to break someone elses relationship. Wtf? No life sia this kinda people. Go and do something productive like work and such and not stalk her around even after getting rejected. And dont try to brainwash her and make her have doubts so that it'll ruin our relationship cause it aint gonna happen. You say you love her more then i do, hah for fuck sake do you even know how much i love her? Big deal you put a fucking white rose or even sang for her but whats the use if you fuckin punch her and all? That you call love? What kind of a guy punches a girl tell me? Not controlling your temper is no fucking excuse lah eh. A girl should be treated with full respect. Punching a girl is as good as punching a kid so think before you act. Oh and one last thing, she doesnt like you, much less love you, so use your fucking brain and think. My advice to you is, MOVE ON.
Pfft im in a mood of disgust. Seriously i have nothing else to say to these kinda people. Ignoring them is hard when they are affecting your loved ones. I guess that is why im so pissed right now. I think i'll go play my soccer game to cool off. And i need some chocs to go along with that :/
To love,
Im sorry i had to put all these up my blog. I just couldnt stand reading his comments up at your tag box. I know your going through alot right now but all i wanna say is that you will always have me by your side. Your never alone my dear. Even if the odds are against you, i will still stand by you holding your hand tightly. Umyra Kwang, you are my life. I love you.
Though the world has a thousand reasons that is against us, i'll defend myself with just one; i love you.
Saturday, March 6

Anyways love kept on disturbing me throught the whole movie! When we're meeting up NEXT WEEK, you are sooo gonna get it! grrr. Was so distracted by love that i forgot to get my season parking renewed, pay my parking fine and get parking coupons even after she reminded me. hehe but lovey dovey time was worth it ^^
Oh and another news, after sending love home i got into an accident! A minor one really.

I was making a U-turn at a T-junction. When you want to make a U-turn your suppose to turn into the second lane. Then that stupid car was turning left and he was suppose to go into the third lane but he went to the second lane. I couldnt ride slower as i rushed to make that turn since traffic was changing. So if i go slower i would fall myself. Then when i saw that idiot coming into my lane i jam break, throw my bike then jump. lol. Went to the side then checked my bike. Lucikly i managed to jam break in time as our tyres only collided. No scratches on my ferring except at the edge of my handle bar. But barely visable lah so its okay. Just let him off lah. Didnt want to make a big fuss out of it. Summore see he got family in the car so poor thing lah kan.
Oh and btw his name is Lee. And his specs the damn vintage one sia. Freakin big! My grandfather use to wear one. When i saw his face i wanted to laugh cause his specs made his eyes hugee. Like magnifying glass liddat. hahah but maintain only later i laugh he thought i crazy just accident still can laugh. So yeah that was my first accident. Luckily i already sent love home if not id feel damn guilty. Thank you god for letting me get into an accident without anyone pillianing me especially love and also thank you for protecting me and my bike. Must go friday prayers and say thank you :D
I will be there for you rain or shine, through it all.
Thursday, March 4

and the best picture of all! hahaha love is sooo gonna kill me for this.
Talking about twilight, I got a joke. What happens when you hang edward upside down and shine a light on him?
Answer: Your house becomes a disco! hahahah!
didnt get the joke? -.- he bloody sparkles when you shine a light on him. so when you hang him upside down and shine a light on him, he becomes a disco ball! :D
okay love is gonna double kill me for this xD
Anyways were going out tomorow! weeeee! gonna watch alice in wonderland. im guessing its gonna be packed so i guess im gonna book the tickets first. whatever it is i get to meet loveee! ^^ theres always fun and laughter when im with her. IRRITATING girl who makes funny noises when im eating mega mcspicy! grrr. were having lunch tomorow and you better not eat at home ehh! okay talking about food im hungry. i guess i'll go and eat before work later. cauz!
Damn that was hot ^^
Monday, March 1