Me and Asy getting all hot *kening up up*

Oh talking about work, me and my collegues went to catch a movie last two weeks if im not wrong? Watched cop out. The movie was great lah! A must watch! It was hilarious to the max! hahaha the negro guy damn funny. xD To all who havent watch, go and quickly watch it! Well we wanted to go and bowl after that but the bowling alley was full so we went shopping! Bought myself pants and a long sleeve shirt ^^

Wooo love finally got a job! A decent job that is and im happy for her ^^ I hope that parrot isnt working on wednesday cause i got plans all set up already. Irritating girl always make me miss her :/
Alsoooo im gonna shift house soon. Mum nagging at me asking me to pack and stuffs. Haiyo so troublesome. How i wished i got psychic powers to move things with my mind. Then things would be so much easier. Oh gonna temporarily stay at punggol and then shift back to amk. I just hope the neighbours there are nice people. Eh i think i should sleep now since im working tmrw. okay then nights people!