and the best picture of all! hahaha love is sooo gonna kill me for this.
Talking about twilight, I got a joke. What happens when you hang edward upside down and shine a light on him?
Answer: Your house becomes a disco! hahahah!
didnt get the joke? -.- he bloody sparkles when you shine a light on him. so when you hang him upside down and shine a light on him, he becomes a disco ball! :D
okay love is gonna double kill me for this xD
Anyways were going out tomorow! weeeee! gonna watch alice in wonderland. im guessing its gonna be packed so i guess im gonna book the tickets first. whatever it is i get to meet loveee! ^^ theres always fun and laughter when im with her. IRRITATING girl who makes funny noises when im eating mega mcspicy! grrr. were having lunch tomorow and you better not eat at home ehh! okay talking about food im hungry. i guess i'll go and eat before work later. cauz!
Damn that was hot ^^