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Wednesday, October 17

HARI RAYA has been okayy.i was so enthu in it until i got sick on the first day of raya.shyyt.i was down with a bad flu and brought tissue everywhere i went. dh pakai baju kurong lawar2 then bwk tissue,tk style sehh.anyways i thought sleeping would heal it but it still was there.what a waste.i missed alot just because i slept.u get what i meant by miss alot.anyways,i didnt get much on the first day.less then $50.
2nd day was better,the flu i mean.and we had lots of funn. the ladies were so kecoh when taking pic.mak oii! pasar pon kalah sehh! memekak btol.but it was a blast ahh.and the best thing tt happened to me was,when we went to a neneks hse,not my nenek uhh but dont knw whos,just follow only.after i salam her,waited for ka'ching,but she didnt give! waaaa.. and the best part is,she gave to all my ABANG sedare! even the ones who work ready! do i look old? shyyt i have to buy a face mask.makes me look fairer and have more radiant skinn.hahah! hmm its definitly because of the height cause im one of the tallest amongst my growing older sehh.haiz i said,raya is not for the money,but to visit family members and to bond with ur family and yepp.its not such a big deal.we had a great laugh anyways.haha.

well now im at home waiting for someone to visit my hse cause im dead bored.I WILL GIVE MY FULLEST ATTENTION TO ANYONE I KNOW WHO COMES TO MY so bored sehh at home.hmm at least today im going out to a friends open house.good! im outta here! well if anyone wants to come my house do give a call in advance! okayy i'll stop here.SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI ONCE AGAIN! :))

A post would be incomplete without pics! :D

couples love. :))
theres more but all of them are in my cousins camera! :(